When does it ever end??? | Arthritis Information


Argh...doesn't it seem that you are always in the Dr.'s office for
something. I used to NEVER see a dr other than a physical. Now it's
like--"Hey doc, what's up? Long time no see....."

Anyway, I just got back and I have pinkeye in both eyes and a sinus
infection. BLECH. This is particularly annoying since I had this same
thing a month ago. Come on drugs...work your magic this time.

I have noticed that I have been feeling alot more under the weather lately.
I can't wait for this last week of school to end. I told the dr. that I have to
be at work this week. I just promised to keep out of everyone's way so as
not to spread the funk. I also took some time off from my second job as
well.   I need to get my energy up. I don't know how long I'll be able to
afford to stay away from job #2 but I just need the down time. During the
shool year I'd get home from both jobs by 7. I would spend time with my
son cause he is irresitible and not even begin grading papers until after 9.    
I think my body is rebelling--don't you hate it when it does that?

I hope that you guys are having a wonderful day today. Just had to
complain to someone since Nathan would rather watch The Wiggles than
listen to mommy whine.

BeckyI hope you're feeling better soon Becky

Hope you feel better. You're smart to scale back a bit. That usually helps me get past these "always in the doctor's office" times.

Yes, I hate too. When I tried eharmony.com, I kept matching on doctors. Heaven forbid! I see them all the time. Plus, there was this really awful one who said he couldn't stand hypochondriacs. He looked as bad as his attitude.

I like my doctors just fine, as long as I don't have to see them in the office.

Yuck and more yuck. I hope you get through this last week, & when school ends, things go better. Alright...off to work I go.....

hmm....I don't know if I would mind dating a dr. Deanna you could hook
me up with some of those names...just as long as they aren't podiatrists-I
hate feet.

I still look like some drunk druggie with my red eyes. At least I fit in
yesterday with the date-my red evil eyes.
beckySorry to hear your not doing too well. Poor thing, double trouble. Maybe the meds. will help soon.I know how you feel, Rocckyd.  In the middle of trying to find answers, I had a gall bladder attack and had to have surgery!  I have been recently diagnosed with RA.  I, too, feel like I can't stay out of doctors' offices.  Over time, I've had Cushings Syndrome for which they removed a pituitary tumor, two broken bones, blood clots in my lungs, carpal tunnel, and now this.  Woe is me! As the saying goes "When it rains it pours..."Backy; I hope you're feeling better!I know what you mean about those Dr. visits. It seems we should just schedule a standing appointment once a week. With a couple of days rest I hope you will be over your sinus infection and pink eye! Don't we wish it were the same for the RA. Good luck on your last days of school! I've been there too. I used to teach elementary art.
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