25 with RA - medication, scared! | Arthritis Information


Hello, First off, I would like to introduce myself to everyone on this board.

Lots of us here take MTX (Methotrexate) but we take it in a lot higher doses than you. One pill a week isn't likely to even help you; although I have no idea how bad off you are.

Personally I feel like if your doctor feels that one pill a week is all you need you should be started on a weaker DMARD like Sulfersalizine. You might question him about this option.

Again; Welcome to AI. Good Luck to you as you begin your journey.

Welcom to the forum and as Lovie said there are lots of us who take MXT but at much higher doses.  I haven't heard of such a low dose.  Right now I'm taking 17.5 mg. weekly and I know of some people who are taking as much as 25 mg. weekly.  Are you positive that your doctor said 2.5 mg. weekly?  I've been known to misunderstand the doctor and have had to readjust my meds.  You'd think after 7 years of having RA I could at least take my meds correctly.  When they first put me on MTX I thought the Dr. said to take 1 pill daily for 6 days!!  I'm a nurse and I still didn't have it figured out.  I did this for 3 months and at my next dr.s appt. we figured out that I was taking it all wrong.  I should have been taking all 6 pills at one time. I felt really foolish. Ask any questions that you need answered, someone here will try and help.

Hi and welcome Raala!

As Lovie said, here are quite a few ppl here that take MTX.  I've been taking mtx for about 14 years now.  Like you, I was afraid to take it.  To be honest though, it's been the best thing for my RA.  It's really helped me.  I've not had any problems for the first 13 years...it's just been in this last year that I had some problems with a low white blood cell count.  But all I had to do was go off the mtx for a few weeks and then everything was fine.  You'll have regular bloodwork done so your doctor will be able to check for anything going wrong. 

Good luck!


Linda, I just came back to the site because I was thinking the very same thing. Surely your doctor either means once a day or something. I've actually heard of a seldom few that take one daily verses all of them at once. I take 25mg....but all 10 pills on one day. It's doubtful he means one pill per week. If this is the case ask him about a different; weaker DMARD. MTX can screw with your cycles. I'm 35 and I've been in menopause for two years now.

I do take folic acid daily though.

Welcome aboard. Ditto to what everyone said about. Methetrexate (MTX) is a mainstay for RA that has been successfully for years and it is primary medicine, along with anti-flammatories and prednisone.

It probably is a lot safer than most of the meds some of us are on. Even being so young, they know pretty well how to manage it. For instance, if you want to get pregnant, they will take you off it temporarily while you try to get pregnant, but evidently, it doesn't hurt (at least that's what I've read) the baby. It just interferes with getting pregnant.

As far as avoiding long term damage, you first concern is to get the disease under control as quickly as possible before damage occurs. You can start doing some really postitive things. One make sure you are taking Calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium along with your Folic Acid. I also take Flax Seed oil. Some people use Fish oil but I can't tolerate it.

Also, you are at a great point to use exercise as a major defense in this disease. The more you exercise, within the limits of you illness, the stronger your bones become.

Learn as much as you can and pose lots of questions. It's not a fun disease, but hopefully you are not going to get really bad since they are only starting you off on low doses.

MTX is used for abortions...plus can cause birth defectsHi there!

Just to go along with what everyone else said, I'm on 12.5 mg. MTX, and so far (knock wood), don't even have any real side effects. It's scary to swallow something so potent and dangerous, but the really frightening thing is what RA can do to you if you don't.

Make sure you take the right dose, because it won't help if you don't. I started out on 3 pills per week. My doctor did say I could spread them out over 24 hours, but they had to all be taken within that time. It's just easier for me to do it all at once.

The blood test is a minor nuisance. It all seems worse than it is.

Good luck!!
It does seem strange to be only taking one pill per week.  I was started on 3 and it was my impression that that was a typical starting dose (I now take 5/wk).  In fact I remember my Rheumy saying that the "normal dose" is anywhere from 3-12 pills/week, meaning we start at 3 and go from there as needed. 

I haven't had any problems with it except some mild nausea a day or two after I take it.  But be sure you take the folic acid.  It will keep you from having mouth/nose sores.  And it has really worked for me.

Anyway, glad you are here and glad your RA isn't too severe.

I started on 4 pills a week I think that it is very hard to decide especially if you haven't had children. im 23 I was getting nausea, tired, and headaches with the medicine but since they have given me leucovorin its helped alot with everything. I did also get a couple of sores in my mouth they only lasted for a day.

When the doc started me on MTX the dosage was 2.5 but it was 3 pills at a time and taken once a week.  Unfortunately I had stroke like symptoms and had to be taken off it.  I was taking relafin along with the MTX so they aren't sure which one caused it and took me off both.  The doc said to be sure and take the folic acid when on the MTX.

If you are unsure about ANYTHING, call your doc.  I make notes between visits and take them with me when I go to appts.  And if it is osmething that iss major important, call them.

Good luck and welcome to the boarads.


Methotrexate comes in 2.5 mg or 10mg pills. The minimum dose is usually 7.5 mg (occasionally 5mg) per week. Maybe you actually have the 10mg pill? (It will be written on it.)

It's not nice having to take these drugs (I'm on it too) but at least this one has been used for 40 years, so they know everything about it! Also, it's used with children who have arthritis - they wouldn't prescribe it to kids unless the benefits outweighed the risks!


Hi and welcome to the board! I guess you already know the answer about the MTX...call your doctor and verify the dose.  2.5 is pretty low. I think 7.5 is the usual low end dose. My doctor has mentioned my going down to 2.5 mg but that is to be if and when the Enbrel starts working. I had side effects that caused my doctor to take me off of 15mg weekly down to 12.5 mg. My side effects were fatigue, severe mouth sores, and some hair loss. It wasnt bad, it wasnt good-but it wasnt bad either. I was really scared to take it and I even had a bit of a mini melt down because I was so nervous. I took half a dose the first time. The side effects are not that bad, they dont really hit you all at once but more over a period of weeks. On 2.5 mg you probably wont even notice a difference...but that may mean that you wont get any benefit either.

I really think the side effects like fatugue wear off the longer you're on it at that particular dose. OR maybe you just get use to it and adjust. I'm not on 25mg per week and everytime I've increased I'll go through a spell where I'll ve very tired for a couple days after. After a while I seem to readjust.Hi, everyone!  Like Raala, I'm also new, and am so happy to find a discussion board where I can ask questions of people who know what's going on.  I particularly wanted to know about Methotrexate.  I'm frightened by it, as well.  I am currently on Mobic, Sulfasalazin, Hydroxyclor (Plaquenil) and I took Prednizone for 6 weeks.  Now, because I'm still suffering, the doc wants me to take MTX.  I'm worried that a starting dose of 20 mg. is too high.  Should I be working up to a larger dose?  I appreciate reading your comments about taking the med yourselves.  It helps to know it is being used successfully without major side-effects.  Thanks! P.S. My doctor never said anything about taking folic acid.  Should I start that on my own?  If so, how much?
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