Arthritis Information -New Site Owners



The site has changed ownership from Tina and Kimi. We would like to thank Tina and Kimi for their great work. The new owner is Ernest.

I hope to continue the legacy began by Tina and Kimmy.

Thank You


Bump. Just so people are aware of who owns the site now. Apparently, that's been lost in translation. Ernest, your site is floundering, people are fighting, perhaps you should step in....? Or at least say hi. Ernest - thanks for responding to my pm about a typo :)  Hang in there - BBS is hard work, especially if you are in trouble with your health.  If the forum members in here complained to Congress, their local officials, their local medical boards, wrote letters to the editors, or even just SHOUTED FROM THE HILLTOPS more, perhaps we could get some help from the so-called "medical doctors" of the AMA.  Health care in America is a joke.  Take care ~~ Cathy justsaynoemore39140.7231018519When did he respond to your PM? He hasn't even been online since January 18th..... Well Katie, I noticed that arthritis was mispelled on the opening page of this Forum a couple of weeks ago, and sent a message somehow through the rules of this place, and got a nice PM from Ernest thanking me for pointing it out, and its been corrected since then.  Guess that must have been January 18th.  Take care ~~ cathyOooooooooooooo neat. Just wondering!! We've never gotten an answer out of him. You must be lucky all the time, eh? :-P Yeah, having RA is real good luck.  LOL alright got me. :P You know what I meant tho!!!!! FYI Bumped Again Perhaps our site administrator suffers from RA and needs some help with moderators who also have RA and maybe alot of time on their hands and something to do to keep themselves busy? 