Reaction to anitbiotics | Arthritis Information



I have RA for just over a year and i have been getting different types of infections for the last few months.  Anyway i currently have a pretty bad chest infection and i am taking cephalexin to get it shifted.  This is the first time i have taken antibiotics for my infections and two days ago i got fkares in various parts of my body, wrist, ankle, shoulder, jaw and so forth.  It is agony!

Has anyone out there experienced this time of reaction to antibiotics?  Or is this a reaction or just the disease?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

You are most likely flaring because you are sick. I dont think the Keflex would cause you to flare.

My Rheumy explained that any stress on the immune system can set us up for trouble.  That means sickness, mental stress, physical stress, etc.  I agree with Crunchy, it is probably the infection causing the trouble, not the antibiotic.

There's no problem with calling your doctor and explaining what you are going through. They might want to try something additional or just give you some info that will help you cope with it.