Flare! | Arthritis Information


I'm in the middle of a nasty flare. I'd been doing pretty well for several months and thought the MTX was doing its job. I'd gotten the prednisone down to 5 mg. Now, I'm having trouble standing and walking, and my elbows are hurting was well as my hands, wrists, ankles & feet.

So...oh wise ones, I took 10 mg. of prednisone this morning, and then immediately regretted it. If I just wait, will the flare die down, or do I really need the prednisone to bring it down. Is it always going to be this way? I'm willing to tolerate some pain, but I really want/need to be functional.

Does this mean the MTX isn't working, and will I have to add something else to the mix?

I have a call in to the doctor, but you guys have lived it, and I'd appreciate your advice.

I don't know how long you've been taking mtx..or what amount, but maybe that's what you need...an increase or something added.  Hopefully your doctor will let you know soon. 

Hope you're feeling better soon Fiona

I am right where you are Fiona.  I came down to 10 and was in such pain for about a week and a half.  I had to just go back up.  I am also on MTX for about 2 months now. 

The doctor told me that if I couldn't come down on the pred, we would add something when I come back on my next appointment.  I am going to ask for Arava because I know what it costs.  MTX is not cutting it.  Most people I have talked to had something additional to the MTX when weaning the pred.  My mom was on Vioxx at the time, and another person was on Bextra. 

I won't wean until I am on something that keeps me from a flare.  I can't afford to miss work and live in misery.  My fatigue came back 100% and I was so miserable and grouchy.  It was horrible.  I forgot how nasty it felt to be in such pain.  I was slamming my vicodin like candy.  It was just awful.

Try to get a secondary med if you can.  I don't believe MTX is usually enough for most from what I have read/heard.
Fiona,  Stay calm.  I flared several times weaning off of pred.  and I would HAVE to increase my pred.  Usually to ten but even fifteen sometimes, more than one day, usually a week then I would start the weaning again.  I could not even start weaning until my  Enbrel was working well.   It took months but it was so worth it.  So don't let yourself be in terrible pain plus do damage to your joints, I hate pred. too but you will be off it.  It takes a long time.  It was hard for me too.  I hope you feel better.  I know it is frustrating. 

I am in the boat  you are with a NASTY FLARE FROM HELL!

I have been off Prednisone for over 10 months...Rheumy felt I was doing okay...Until...3 weeks ago...this flare has been hanging on like a mullet hairdo from the 80's! LOL 

So...she put me back on Prednisone for the time being.  she said I may have to stay on a small dose to help me out. 

So...overall...it does work...the MTX takes sometime to work as well.  Your rheumy may up your dose till HE or SHE gets a cocktail that works right for you...some people don't do well on MTX and it doesn't work for some.  Then other medicines can be  used in place of MTX to help.

I hope you feel better soon (((((FIONA))))

Roblyn Thanks, folks. I needed to hear that, and I went ahead & took 10 mg. this morning - then called the doctor & told her what I did. She said it was okay. I'll take 5 more tonight, but I already feel better. God, I do hate this stuff. I'm glad it exists, but I hate it. It is disappointing. You think you're really making progress, and wham! brick wall. Well, my next appointment is in over a month, but then we'll have to do something more. I am sick of RA and sick of medicine, but glad you all are here.

Been there many times, no matter if I was on Methrx. or Arava. Those nasty flares just pop up when you least expect it. My Dr. has always had me restart Prendisone for a couple of weeks until the flare subsides and then tapper off. I've been fortunate to respond to the Prendisone for flare control and not have to take it long term.

I think RA rules the land of brick walls.

Take care, hope you bounce back quickly.

I am in the same boat as you.  I am going to try to drop 1/2 a milligram at a time next time -- in about a week after I have stabilized.  I think I moved too fast with too much pred. going down at once.  I got some milligram pills and I am going to cut them in half and start it over.  I was so happy to be down to 10.  I know how you feel.  I am right there with you.  Hang in there...we will find a mix that works in time.  We have to be patient.  It is very frustrating. Fiona, I don't have any advice, because I am very new at this... but I hope you feel better real soon! dar773338876.6040740741In a perverse way, it makes me feel better to know you all have gone through the same things. If I could wish you all well, though, I would.

Dar - thanks for the encouragement. We all do learn from one another.

It really is very frustrating to think you're making progress and learn maybe not. It just makes me tired.

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