side effects from plquenil | Arthritis Information


 I have been on plquenil for 10 months. I have been having aching and slight spasms in my legs mainly in the backs of my legs, hamstrings, and the other day I was kneeling and planting flowers and I got a cramp in my left thigh in the back. I would like to hear if anyone has had these problems. Thanks PatPat, I'm not on plaquenil, but I've had the cramps for about a month now. More and more muscles are cramping, but the RD says its part of RA. She advised heating pads or, if I can't tolerate it, muscle relaxants. Just one more of the joys of RA.

I've never had the leg problem with plaquenil.  I have had the blurry vision though...when I blink it gets better then goes back to being blurry. The eye doctor didn't seem too concerned with it. 

I would mention it to your doctor though just to be on the safe side.  Have you been getting your eyes checked?


  Thanks I do take flexeril when I get tired of it and it does help. Yes RA sucks but we all have to make the best of it. Last nite we had to go to the funeral home for a 25 yr old who died of an overdose. So sad. That is the 6th kid who went to school with my son that has died of a drug or alcohol death. He lost 4 others from alcohol car wrecks in his junior and senior year. When you see so much pain in the families I don't think RA is so bad even though it does SUCK>

Fortunately, they can do a lot with Sjogren's, although I find it an inconvenience to live with. But the eye doctor can do a very simple test to see if you have it. This needs to be a really good eye doctor, not like the ones you find in the malls. The treatment is eye drops (sterilized water) and preservative free eye gel. Both of these are available at your local drug store so you can get some relief right away.

But definitely see the eye doctor because they will check to make sure you don't have any eye inflammation going on. Wear sunglasses with the best UV rating. I also have tinted lenses on my glasses. I am very light sensitive and my eye doctor is my best buddy. RA affects my eyes so sometimes they get inflamed.

The other treatment for Dry Eyes is that they can put tiny plastic plugs in the corners of your eyes that will help with tear production. This is about 0 to have done, but oh the comfort is well worth it.

There is also a new medication out, called Retasis (?) that is supposed to increase tear production. I haven't had to take that step yet as the plugs are really helping me. There is even more available if that doesn't help.

If the eye doctor confirms that you have this, be sure to update your RD on your next visit. Part of its treatment is the underlying autoimmune causes. Sjogren's can also dry out your sinuses, causing nose bleeds and giving you dry mouth.

Regarding your legs, etc. If I did that with my RA, I would hurt exactly the same way. RA weakens your muscles and your joints. A herniated disk could certainly be contributing. If it's been awhile since that's been looked at, you might want to start there first and get new films done and have them compared to your previous ones. You want to see whether any further damage is occurring. But more than likely it is just the pain of having RA.

If that is all it is, there are many suggestions out there for gardening comfortably with RA. The Arthritis Foundation's web site has a lot of info on this. Go to I'm sure a search on RA and gardening would pull up a lot of good info. Supposedly, gardening is one of those activities you can still do with RA. For instance, using knee pads, etc. Stretching and range of motion exercises might help.

I don't know about whether Plaquenil has side effects of cramping.

Someone else may know though.

Grow something beautiful for us. I want to plant a garden some time soon so do share your experiences.

Pat, I haven't experienced the cramping you are describing.  (I've been on plaquenil for about 5 months now).  If your eyes are bothering you, I would get in to see an opthalmalogist as plaquenil can cause eye problems.  I have to see my eye doc every 8 months while I am on the plaquenil to make sure nothing changes.Opthalmalogist -- that's the word I was looking for. You'd think I could learn how to spell these terms. I'm hopeless. I can't pronounce them either. All multisyllable words just stutter out of my mouth and throw off all my attempts to sound intelligent. Glad somebody can spell it.

I don't know if I spelled it was guessing and figured everyone would know what I was talking about since we all have to see one.

And Pat, I forgot in my last post to say sorry for the losses your son has experienced.  It is so horrible when someone so young passes away.

Thanks everyone for the help. I do appreciate it.


   I am going to ask DR about the plugs as I do have dry eye and mouth. I go to an optomatrist . I think he is good. I wonder if I should go to an opthamologist? Any suggestions?

I used to go to my optometrist but he didn't seem to know much about plaquenil.  So I now go to an Opthamologist recommended by my RA doc.

World of difference in the care you get. The Opthalmalogist has far more training. A lot of them do laser surgery and other specialized care. If you are on prednisone, also get the glaucoma test. That was my first side effect. So I get all kinds of tests done when I go.

There are also some mouth sprays and washes, that took me forever to find, that help with the dry mouth.

Oh yeah...get the alcohol free mouth rinses...I think the one I have is by Crest.

And I agree on going to the opthalmalogist instead of the optometrist.

I think I will go to an opthamologist. I do use drops for eyes and biotene mouthwash and oasis mouthwash and biotene toothpaste. Thanks for all the expertise? PatI've been on plaquanil for close to two years. When I first started I had a lot of visual disturbances including walking into walls, dizziness, ghosting that eventually went away. I also have cramping occassionally in my legs but I had it before the plaquanil and I don't think it's related. Good luck. 

Hi Pat,

I was on plaquenil for several years. In that time I was also diagnosed with severe irritable bowel syndrome - constipation, then cramping, nausea, then diarrhea and "dumping", cycling every 3-4 days. Had to stop plaquenil - and - instantly - no more bowel problems!

Here is a little FYI...If you go to the Opthamologist your insurance will pay but if you go to the Optometrist it wont.

My RD told me that Of all the RA drugs, Plaquinel has the very least side effects.  

I dont have Sjorgrens but I have the dry eyes. I use a eye drop for lubrication and it helps. It causes me to have blurry vison. (The dry eyes)

Good point Lesle about the insurance.  My regular eye appointment was covered under that provision of my health care insurance but the extended exam for the Plaquenil piece was covered because of my RA and requested that way by the Opthamologist. 

An optometrist is a health care provider licensed to examine and diagnose eye diseases, while an opthamologist is a Medical Doctor.  With something like RA and Plaquenil, I want an MD looking at my eyes!  