RA & Lupus | Arthritis Information


In Feb. I had ANA labs drawn for the first time in my 19 years with RA. When it came back my Dr. said it showed an indication of possibly having lupus in addition to my RA. 

My mind is wandering now, is that the reason I've become so extremely and constantly fatigued in the last year. The RA has always caused fatigue but not like it is now. I also have had sores in my mouth and nose just in the last year, plus different muscles get sore for no reason.

Does anyone know about RA & Lupus? The two seem similar so it's hard to tell the difference which is causing what. I don't see my Rhumy. again until August, and don't have an immediate problem to need to go in and talk about it. Just trying to gather information for when I do see him again.

You know, I wondered the same thing many times. Because of my skin problems and the sores, I thought maybe I had Lupus. My RD says that I dont fit the profile and I havent had any problems with my kidneys or liver, lungs etc. I am not real sure how they make a dx of Lupus after RA, I can see how they can pick one or the other. I have been trying to figure that one out myself. It seems that it is like anything else. Some people have very obvious classic symptoms, while most others have more subtle things that make it sort of overlap with the other immune disorders.

One thing is to just read up on Lupus and see how much of your symptoms fit. When I do that I think, yes I have alot of these things. But then when I read up on RA, its like an exact match. Maybe you will see that in both diseases.

I guess a lot of people have both and have mentioned that it is called Rupus in that case. I have mixed connective tissue disease which basicially means I have symptoms from different autoimmune diseases.

This is a very good source on lupus: http://www.lupus.org/

Lupus hits more of your internal organs, but causes less problems to joints. Also, a lot of people with lupus are extremely sun sensitive and must cover up. Sun exposure can make your really sick.

I'm sorry to hear that you have this as well. Be sure that any time that you go to a new doctor, the ER, etc. that you mention both the RA and the Lupus. Sometimes, they have to check things more carefully.

The symptoms you describe fit things like FM as well. So make sure your doctor gets as definitive with you as possible. If you are really concerned, you can always call and ask the doctor's nurse for more explanation. I hate when they throw that kind of news at you and then you are supposed to wait months for further explanation.

My doc told me the same thing, it seems my tests came back with some showing signs of lupus but others not, they said they will watch as time goes by.I have had the RA and Lupus now for 5 years.   Although, a lot of people experience the sores (mouth and nose) from the MTX it is also known with the Lupus.   Mine affects my kidney (mainly one is taking the blunt of the disease right now).   I have the butterfly present on my face most the time along with sensitivity to sun light.  Although, I can tan on / in a tanning bed VERY slowly without any grief of sores too much.   The muscles and other joints hurting is totally normal for the diseases.   I can't tell you much other than that once you have ONE autoimmune disease more will follow and to watch, record (on a daily basis on a calendar) and report all to your doctor or specialists.I have a ppositive RA factor, but I also get ulcers and rashes.  I'm not on methotrexate, so that's not the cause.  I get sores in my nose and mouth and they are a pain!  I've even had them on my tongue and it hurts to eat.  I've one in my nose for about a month now that does not want to go away.  I hope that's not the Humira.

Also, seeing a Dermatologist might give you more answers.

I had mouth sores and skin rashes before the MTX too.

My Dr. has diganosed my with pleurisy and we outlined a plan for if things get worse.  I just take pain pills if it gets too bad.  Should she be listening to my heart and lungs?  Sometimes I can feel an irregular beat in my chest, but it goes away.

Dr. said that the Plaquenil and Humira should help with ulcers.  I just get a bloody nose.  My mouth seems to go in spurts.  I'll get lots at one time and none for a while.  I have a mouth wash for these times.


My mouth sores do that too. What mouth wash do you use? I read in Arthritis Today mag that swishing with an antacid helps.

I can't tell what kind of mouth wash I use.  It's a recipe my Dr. cooked up.  It does have lidocaine in it- which I love!!

Never mind I found the bottle.  It's Dexamethasone/ lidocaine.  I swish and spit 4Xs daily as needed.



Pleurisy really hurts. But your doctor should be keeping a very sharp eye on your heart and lungs at this point. Yes, they should be listening to them and they should have taken a xray. People with RA can have complications with both their heart and lungs. You should discuss whether or not you should see a Cardiologist or Pulmonalogist for futher followup. That's really going to depend on whether you are responding favorably to your doctor's treatment for the pleurisy. If you are getting better, then that's great. But if things worsen, definitely seek out the other specialists.

I don't know what to tell you about the irregular heart beat. I have problems like that. I think the prednisone makes my heart race. They have done all kinds of heart tests. Here's the problem. Women, without RA, can have heart problems with very few symptoms and they are not the same as those for men. The American Heart Association has a lot of good information about when you should consult a doctor. We already know that heart disease is now a leading cause of death for women.

Then, when you add RA into the picture, doctors have to be much more careful because you can develop problems in your heart and lungs. They can be affected just like your joints are but with more serious implications. Plus the constant inflammation of RA can damage your artieries, speeding the damage that you would normally see with aging.

That's one reason I am always bringing up. I know some might think I am being overreactive here. But my first symptoms were my eyes. But the second set landed me in the cardiac ward in the hospital with pericarditis twice. And, I was having a rapid heart beat. That is why I called 911. I had it at least once since then.

Lungs can actually have nodules grow inside them just like the nodules that can grow near your joints. They also can become fibrous, which is very bad. That's why a pulmonologist will do a Pulmonary Function Test to see how well your lungs are exchanging air and to check for blood clots.

Pleurisy is a common disease. But just be aware of the potentials. If you have sudden breathing problems or chest pains, go to the ER. Believe me, if you have those symptoms and tell them you have RA, you are going to be checked. Usually, they will check your oxygen levels and do an EKG right away. You might have to wait some after that, but that's okay. It's when they whip you right back that makes me worry.

Otherwise, sit back and get better.

I could not tell you about all this. But I feel it is a disservice not to. The doctors have told me that I have very good instincts and each trip that I have made to the ER was exactly the thing to do.

Oh a steroid and viscous lidocain. there is another one called magic mouthwash that has lido, benedryl, and maalox in it.

Deanna- I appreciate all the advise I can get.  My chest is better, but I still feel a bit of pressure when I breathe deeply.  I should really keep a journal of these things.  If the pain gets as bad as it has before I will call the Doc or go to the ER (I'm in a new city and I don't even know where that would be!)

Keep as much info coming as you can!  I have lots to learn about RA.

Not all chest pain is worth freaking out about, but all chest pain should be taken seriously untill the cause is known. A good place to read about your heart health is the American Heart Association web page. Heart Disease is the number one killer of women, it is important for all of us to know what we can do to take care of our hearts, and what symptoms to look for.

Pluerisy is very  painful...God help you if you cough...you will litteratlly see stars!

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