Another new one from down under | Arthritis Information


Hi, I have been trying to read over the last posts and anything relative to me. My name is Meg from aust.37 and I have been recently - like last week told I have RA. Not sure what this means for me yet. The story was I had a lump come up on my arm under the elbow which accompanied symptoms of fever and chronic aches- like the worst flu I had ever had. It grew to the size of a golf ball and after trying to get away from a doctor who wanted to give me antibiotic after antibiotic for a month I finally got scared enough to go to another doctor who sent me to a surgeon who took it out. The suregeon was puzzled but rang back last week to say he took other tests(?) and I have the start of RA.Feeling at the moment like I want to get as informed as possible to go back to the GP which will send me for X Rays,specialists etc appartently. What should I know?
I am a very active person- and very healthy but my immune system took a battering thru a nasty little thing we have here called Ross River Fever and Q Fever which I caught from cows appartently. I am a big beliver in alternative medicine too. What has been effective for people?
Feeling a bit lost at the moment and would apprecaite some advice???
MegWelcome Meg. It is interesting that you got a nodule so early on with out having joint pain. I think your treatment will be dependant on the extent of your symptoms like pain, swelling, and degree of joint damage. Alot of people here have had some success with things like water exercise classes, heat therapy, massage, ultrasound, TENS units, and physical therapy. There are some dietary changes that help some people but dont seem to make a difference for others. There is an excellent book called Arthritis for Dummies that has lots of information on medications and alternative therapies.Hi Meg...welcome!Hi Meg:  Welcome.  Nice to have another Aussie on line.  I agree with Crunchy, try to get hold of Arthritis for Dummies,  its the first thing I did when I was diagnosed. Really helpful and easy to understand.  It really helps to be informed. Reading is the best way to go at the moment, learn as much as you can.Thanks all. I will try to get that book asap.Sounds like a nice group you have. Thanks for welcoming me.JavaScript:AddSmileyIcon('')

Welcome Farmgirl,

There is a form of arthritis that is allergic arthritis. It is treated with antibiotics. That might have been why the first doctor was trying that. Maybe.

It is strange that you presented first with that. Just ask lots of questions here. Someone always seems to have an idea where to go for an answer. And, if we don't we will find a way to make you laugh. Or cry. Whichever feels best.

Sorry to hear that you're in the same boat with us. We would rather it be for a much fun reason. But hang tight, there's lots of help on board.

Welcome FarmGirl. We're glad you're here.