here a knot, there a knot,... | Arthritis Information


Knots, nodules, whatever...I don't care what you call them I hate them. 

I have them on the inside and back of both heels, top of left ankle, both knees, left wrist, and both elbows.  Does anyone have these nasty things?  Do they ever go away? or get bigger?(heaven forbide

It's bad enough to have the other nasties that go along with RA.  Guess it never stops.I don't have any nodules, and pray that I don't get them. I'm sorry you have to deal with that Deena. I wonder if there is anything other than surgery that will get rid of them?I don't have them, either, but sympathize. It never does stop. You just start to deal with one aspect, when another one pops up. A little bit like Whack a Mole.  I've had them...still have some.  I had this one that was huge on my wrist and didn't think it would ever go away...then it did...not from anything I took...just eventually it was gone.  Elbow ones are gone as well..but I hadn't had them long.  The wrist one I had had for a very long time, that's why I was so surprised it eventually disappeared.

I get them from time to time too. They seem to come and go at random. I keep one on my middle finger and one on my wrist that have stayed the same size for years.

As far as going numb, I've been told it's from the swelling pressing on your nerves. When the swelling goes down (in my case with the help of Prend.) the numbness and tingling improves.

Hope you get some relief soon.

The are quite the pests aren't they?   Mine come and go.  I maintain two right now.  

The numbness and tingling I have had for 2 years now.   In fact I am to get another EMG soon.   Mine hasn't stopped in over a year now.  It's enough to frustrate you to no end.  I totally understand your frustration.   I wish sometimes I could just be normal too.

Hang in there... and be sure to discuss this with your RD.  

I noticed you are on Enbrel only?   Why not the MTX, Enbrel mix?   It sure has helped with my nodules and bumps.


Docs had me on MTX and relafin back in 10/05 but I had a mini-stroke and they took me off both and told me to never go on them again. 

I have had the knot on left elbow for about 8 months and the others just eemed to pop up over night and none of them have gotten smaller. Both elbows were accompanied by a bumpy reddish rash but after the third enbrel shot the rash turned white and it is getting smaller-hopefully going away. The ones on the back of my heels are pointed outward and make it very hard to wear shoes. 

Will put in my notes to talk to doc in Sept. about notes-hopefully something can be done besides surgery. 

Speaking of surgery, maybe it's just a coinkydinky but I didn't start having flares until 08/04 when I had a bunion removed from my right foot and then in 10/04 they removed two wartlike things off the back of my left heel, one of them was 1/16 of an inch from being attached to the achilles tendon.  I had stiffness and pain for years before that but nothing like I had with 2-3 months after the surgeries.

I really hope that those of you who don't have them now never get them.

Have any of you had a Nerve Conduction Test to see if the numbness is from the nerves in your neck & shoulder or carpal tunnel syndrom?

I had one in Febuary (btw, I never want another one) and mine showed I had bilateral carpal tunnel.

I don't know what a nerve conduction test is so I guess I've never had one.  What is it, does it hurt and how do I get one?  It is done by a referral from family doc?I've had two nerve conduction tests.  They are fairly simple, they stick electrodes to your body they want to test and then insert really small needles in the nerve areas and it sends singles to the computer.  I didn't mind the test myself, but I do have a very high tolerance for pain.