What cheers me up? | Arthritis Information


We all sound a bit blue. I know I certainly have been.

Let's start a list of things that make us feel better. One of my favorite is when my son comes by and we just hang. With my daughter, it's going to a scary movie. She always gets so scared!

Deanna38880.7679282407Well, my daughter is a big one.  Payday is a big one, and I love to go shopping when I can afford it.  :)

Going to the pool this time of year is really nice.  I think I overdid it this weekend though and am paying the price.

A phone call from an old friend.

I am trying to get away from cheering up with food.  It is not a good combination with prednisone.

Iced vanilla latte from Starbucks is also a good one. 

That last one sounds really good right now.

Time spent with my son, taking nap with my dog, hug from my wife, reading posts on this board, a good book, football season. Wow their really are some positives. o yeah and when my hands feel good enough to play Halo with my son.

Sounds like our kids top the list.  My son is at the top of mine.  Yesterday I threw a baseball around with him for a bit.  It was the best time I have had in a long time.  I physically felt like crap while I was doing it, but mentally, it was wonderful :)

I love being with friends and family.  I can't wait for the vacation I have coming up...that will make me happy!

Talking with others (you guys) that are going through the same things I am at the moment.  You are always comforting and supportive.

Going to Hollywood to see my son perform is an all time favorite  pastime of mine.

Talking to my daughter about cooking and teaching ideas makes me so proud of her.

Curling up in bed with a good book is heaven.

Having one of my former students look me up to ask for advice or just let me know how they're doing makes me really happy as does watching them graduate from high school.

Painting in watercolors when the ideas are flowing as easily as the medium is a joy.

Walking around my house and looking at a lifetime worth of pictures and collected treasures brings me happiness too.

 Standing dinner dates with my husband are wonderful too. 

Wish I could say my kids were at the top of the list right now...  One of mine is why I have been so down lately.

Top of my list lately, my dog!!  Animals have such a special way of showing they love you no matter what.  He's my best friend and makes me smile!

I also enjoy going down by the lake and fishing, it's serene, peaceful and soothing. 
I just love what everyone is coming up with. Some of these things sound like so much fun!Listening to a great new music CD for the first time (I love the latest Pearl Jam one), reading a really trashy, glossy magazine, tea and toast in bed with the newspaper (sadly only on weekends), having a rest with my cat asleep on my lap, a great flat white or latte and a really good hug from my husband or daughter. 

Spending time with my 5 yr old granddaughter-she is awesome.

I love going to church with my mother and grandmother.  As long as I am able to put one foot in front of the other.  I have trouble driving and they will go out of their way to come and pick me up.  I get tons of benefits from just being with them.

My dog Sheba.  She is a 110 pound rottie and is purely rotten.  She thinks she is a lapdog!! But she listens to me...well, she looks at me when I talk anyway.  And when she wags her stub of a tail her entire body shakes..always makes me laugh.

Being with my husband.  He is just absolutely awesome, caring and loving.

Working in the flowerbed or anything else outside when I am able.

Kittens - darn they have to grow up    What cheers me up, well........

A good laugh, the kind that makes your whole body jiggle.
Doing something that I haven't been able to do because of my injuries.
A good movie.
Going out to dinner with friends.
Being told that I'm doing a good job at work.( My old boss was a boss from hell and she made my life a living nightmare.)
Lastly, getting a phone call or e-mail from my nephew who lives 3000 miles away.


Being told I look in my twenties when I am in my thirtites:)

I love a sunny warm day, with a slight breeze on my face sipping a  cool drink.

 When I can catch the eyes of a good lookng guy checking me out..

Going on vacation.  The cruise we went on.

Talking to friends and making new ones:)Thanks!





Pets, Pets, Pets!!!  They make me feel soooo good!  I love my animals.  I also pet sit for neighbor's pets.  There's nothing better than a dog or cat in your lap!


What cheers me up is a good movie, a song that gets me moving, chocolate milk, shopping, a bubble bath, or a hug.


We all seem to enjoy alot of the same things!

For me it's my grandbaby girls - ( 16 months & 2 1/2 months; 2 of my sons have daughters). I forget about everything else when I'm with them.

Cats & dogs - I agree with Roxy nothing worse than being surrounded and having your lap full of cats & dogs all ready to snuggle for a nap and then - it happens, time to pee. I was feeling pretty bad the other day, I went to bed early and ended up with 7 of the 8 cats in bed with me - purring their little hearts away and 1 - 5 lb. dog. Hubby came to bed later and most of them left. A few of them will give him a hard time about getting into their bed.


Yeah, I forgot to mention our two little dogs.  They are characters and think they run the show.  My daughter is so sweet with the animals, I love to see her interact with them.  It is a riot.

Lately one of my best cheer ups has been going to the pool.  I feel like spending some time in the sun just lifts my spirits in general.

I also have a new cd changer in my car, so I bring lots of music.  I recently bought an 80s box set and it is so fun to listen to.  I have a trip down memory lane and laugh to myself at the funny clothes and hair bands.  I still like it.  hehe

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