Arthritis for Dummies | Arthritis Information


I saw this book referenced in another post.  I have never heard of it before.  Does it cover all types of arthritis or does it concentrate on RA?  What are your opinions of it?Very basic book dealing with all kinds of arthritis but with no particular emphasis on RA. You could do better with God Living With Rheumatoid Arthritis by the Arthritis Association.Great, easy to follow information on many different types of arthritis, & the differences between them.  I found it a great help when I was first diagnosed.I think it's a good book to have in your Arthritis library.  It is simple, but I'm simple

There is no secret trick revealed, just the facts. It is a good reference book, and you can easily find the topics you want or read it cover to cover.

I highly recommend it. I dont believe in a lot of hype, and I dont think it should be a chore to read. This book is very good.

I will also recommend getting a subscription to Arthritis Today magazine. It is put out by the Arthritis Foundation. I hesitated to get it, but my mom ordered it and now she passes on each issue to me. I have only gotten 2 issues so far, but it is full of really good articles.
