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Hello my name is Tricia, 30 years old and I am told I have RA. Ra has not shown up in my blood test, however my RA doctor is positive I have it. I am currently taking 80mg of Furosemide a day, 15mg of Methotrexate a week, 1mg of folic acid a day, 1 bayer a day,(had heart surgery when I was 22) and 40mg humira injections a week. I feel so much better and have hardly any pain with the meds.(I have been on these meds for over 2 years now)

In Oct. of 2003 I started waking up with swollen almost numb hands and feet. It kept getting worse for about 2 weeks. I went to my primary Dr. and that is when the blood test started. I had hundreds of blood test done over the first 3 months but everything came back perfect, yet I was getting worse. By Christmas I couldn't lift, turn, hold, or do much of anything with my hands. I couldn't open or close my hands, or even brush my babies hair. My feet and legs were so swollen I had to wear slippers everywhere, and my knees hurt so bad I could barely go up or down steps, and tired OMGosh I was so tired all the time. Jan. came and still the dr's couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. I thought I was dieing. I then started reading on the web and I read a story of a teacher with RA and it was my illness to a tee. So I called my Dr. and asked her for a good RA dr. The first RA doctor I met told me I was depressed and that my illness was all in my head.


Anyway, sorry this is so long but I haven't met anyone else with RA yet and because I looked normal no one understands the pain I had.

Thanks for listening,

I understand the pain.... I am 37 and have it in my hands bad.  I am on methotrexate but just 2.5 mg a week.  I am sooo scared of side effects.  You sound like you aren't afraid of the medicine.  Have you had any side effects?  How are you know?  I am trying to learn about all the options for treatment so I can feel better.  I had predisone first and I blew up like a balloon and my heart was racing?? 
I am interested in your treatment since I am also in my thirties.

I have a baby too(well he will be 18 months this month) and I want to be able to take care of him, etc...

It is good to hear someone have positive treatment results.


Right now I am doing great. As for the meds I am a little worried but I want to live comfortably and I was to a point my hands were considered crippled. I now can do most anything, I am not as strong as I was but pretty close. I will worry about side effects when they come, I live one day at a time.

I was on Prednisone for about 3 months then tapered off. I still take it every once in awhile when I start feeling really bad, but never longer than a week.



My babies aren't exactly babies they are 12 and 7 at my worst time ever they were 10 and 5.

RAMommy, think twice about going off those meds. Lovie will probably give you a lecture on that. She went off because she felt so great, and the RA came roaring back. Sounds as though you're in a medically controlled remission. It doesn't mean the disease is gone.

I know the feeling about wanting to quit them, though. I've only been on MTX for 2 1/2 months - & been diagnosed for 6 mos. I'm sero-negative - RA doesn't show in my blood - just in my joints.

You'll find a lot of people here with years of experience on just about every subject. Welcome, everyone.
Thank you, I know I shouldn't go off them and probably wouldn't but when Thurs. comes around and I have to take the 6 Methotrexate pills and the Humira injection, urghh, the thought just makes me sick. I would rather the injection than any of the pills.

If you are in fact doing well (and it sounds like you are) talk to your doctor about decreasing some of your meds slowly over time. Don't just discontinue all your meds. I remember feeling that way too....and my doctor warned me "Don't do it; it's only medication induced. If you discontinue your meds you'll be back here in a few months in twice as much pain as before" WELL; I'm just one of those see it to believe it type of people. It's not uncommon to go through that at some point. Usually at year 2 or 3 if you are getting good results. it's very common.

I take 25mg of MTX & Humira weekly as well. I've never heard of Furosemide but I'm far from an expert at this stuff....just been dealing with it a long time personally. We're glad you're here. Hope to see you often.


Thank you, and that is so what I am affraid of.

Furosemide is a prescribed water pill. without it I can gain 10 to 20 lbs in a week. I have had to have fluid pumped from my body the swelling gets so bad. I remember telling my Dr. that I wake up in the middle of the and feel like I'm drowning, and she said that is very possiable.

I think that we all have thought about going off the meds.   I think that is what we all call denial to a point.   Whatever you do DON'T !!!  Just getting off of them while you have an infection can set you back.

You know that MTX is available in an injection form?    Talk with your RD about that alternative.   I don't know if it's sub q or intramuscular ( I am sure someone will let us know).   :o)

Hang in there kiddo... brighter days are coming your way !!!

I agree about not going off meds.  I also have heard that once you try to go back on your medications, sometimes they are not as effective after a discontinuation. 

I am 33 and I have been living with RA for about 5-6 months now -- and it already has felt like a lifetime, but I am getting on better than I used to.  My mom has it too, so it has helped to have her to talk to about it.

I used to be afraid of medications too, but the more research I do, the more comfortable I feel with taking my medications.  I really think that it is a long process and a choice of two evils, and I would rather live with side effects of medications than that of RA. 

It is not in your head, and I am glad you have a good doctor.  My first bout with a flare was a living hell too.  It is really an awful way to live. 

Thanks everyone for such a warm welcome. This is the first time I have been able to talk and someone actually understand.


Thank you so much,

I've only been active on the boards since March of 05....a little over a year ago but I've had RA for more than 12 now. Trust me making the friends I have here and at other boards has been such a blessing...even when you're doing well you are still living with RA daily. This group understands it. It's so easy for our friends and family to try to forget we have this when we don't look sick; but we ourselves remember every single day about this illness. It's like a weight off your shoulders meeting people that know that feeling.

We're glad you're here.
