How offen do you see your RA Dr.? | Arthritis Information


I have to go the the Rhumatologist every 6weeks to 3 months for the last 2 years. How offen do you go? Every 2 months for me!Right now I only go every three months. That's mainly to have my labs done. There have been times when I've gone more often but I've been doing well for a while now and it's not really nessesary. Blood work is very important though when your on meeds like MTX and Humira due to liver and kidney complications. Their pretty rare; but can be very serious if not caught early.

Right now I go every 2-3 months.   But, since she is so far from me she cuts me back through the snow months.  I just talk with her on the phone and my GP and other specialists report to her.

Every 2 months.  Have bloodwork done each time.


Every 3 months.  Have blood work done at local hospital coz RD is an hour and a half away.It's been every 4-6 weeks for me.  We're still trying to get things figured out and I've had some additional problems with flares and I've been trying a new med about every 4-6 weeks so she likes to see me that often to see how I'm reacting to the med.

I started in March & went every month. This last visit he said he will see me in 6 weeks.


It's supposed to be every 2-3 months. I almost always have to go in before that. And, every time, it's for some new problem. RA, you just have to love it, embrace it like Jeanne (I think) said. It is a very creative disease with no limitations to its embrace. What will it think of next?1 - 2 times a month since January, but I'm not close to being under control yet.  once a mnth depends on the meds he is trying sometimes he phones in between.teresa Hi! I see my Ra Dr. every 8 to 9 weeks.I see mine every 3 months.  If I'm in a flare at appt time he brings me back 2 weeks later to see if I have improved.I see him when I go for my remicade
treatment-about every 6-8 weeks. If i am having a
bad flare I either talk to him over the phone or go in,
depending on how bad it is and if there is anything

Every 2 months, at least until they get my meds right.

I think because of the type of case I have, My meds may not always behave so i think they want to check that often to get the right number.

Every 2 months with bloodwork everytime. Unless there is a problem, then I call and if need be, go in. The labs are mainly to monitor my liver enzymes, just as a precaution. He does an RF and sed rate, other RA specific tests, plus CBC and BMP.I'm with the 2-3 month club. I'm suppose to have labs every month but since I'm not very good about remembering it's usually every 2 -3 months too.I see him every 4 months....It used to be every 2 months when I first went to him. Bloodwork every month.... I go every 2 weeks!!  I guess this is because I am newly diagnosed and only been on MTX for 3 weeks...we are still working out my meds.  I am hoping at some point I will be able to wait longer in between appointments! I saw her once a month initially, but our last appointment was set for 3 months out, with blood work at 8-10 weeks.  I will be changing doctors because of insurance soon, so now that all can change.  We shall see.

In the beginning I seen the Dr. every 6 weeks, then it went to every 3 months for about 3 years.  Now every 2 months due to some problems with flares.

I see my Rheumy every 2-3 months...and go in every month for blood work.  But if I am I have been...I see her every month till we get things under control.


I go about every 3 mos now.  In the beginning I had to go more because I kept having flares and I felt awful.  Now that I'm on Humira I feel much better.  I even cancelled the appt. I had yesterday because I didn't need it.  That does not mean that I'm not stiff all the time, but at least I can stay awake for more than 3 hrs at a time!I went a few times in the first couple of months but now 4 months.  Still have to have the bloods done fortnightly though, but at least I can go to my GP for them, it's only 15 minutes walk (pre RA) or half hour now. Wow, I never realised so many of you have to go so often for so many
years (I was only diagnosed in September). Initially I had to see my
GP every week (because I was pregnant AND had RA) and saw the
rheumatologist every 3-4 weeks, but now it's every three months
(with bloodwork each time). I thought that once you had the right
meds, you could avoid the doctor for as long as you want... I think
I'm in denial! RA? What RA?
