Spoke too soon aka jumped the gun | Arthritis Information


Okay so Monday morning before I actually got out of bed I got on the laptop and posted about how good I felt. Then I tried to stand up and almost collapsed to the floor. My back and hips were stiff and I was hunched over and my feet, Oh MY Gosh! My feet felt....well...Crunchy! Oh I hurt so bad.

As long as I was sitting or lying I was OK. But as soon as I tried to stand, forget it.

Finally I gave up and tried to just deal with it. I went into the store to get a few things. 2 hours of being away from home and I felt like I was gonna drop.

I went home and basically just passed out on the couch. I slept from about 5 Monday evening untill 10 this morning (17 hrs). I had to get up and go to work today. Of all days to be signed up for 12 hrs, and we were sooo busy!

So, anyways, I am getting ahead of myself here. My big mistake? I felt good on sunday, so I went and helped my husband put in plants and add mulch to the garden.

I still havent learned my limitations and not to over do it when I am feeling good. It is so hard to pass up a chance to feel normal again. But I always get the punishment of feeling like a cripple later on.

I worked almost the whole shift today, my relief got to work 30 min early and I happily turned over my patients a bit early.

I just cant believe how bad I felt yesterday. I felt worse than I had in months.

Now that I am home in my bed, I can actually feel my legs and arms, all of my muscles just tightening up. I am going to be miserable in the morning.

To make matters worse, I have had a nagging little ear ache since Saturday.

I am going to get up and get some mint oreos and milk. That will make me feel better. Yes, cookies and milk make everything all better.

I'm guilty too. I went into work today and my boss pushed all day long. Now my shoulder, neck, arm and wrist are inflamed. Went to sleep, but awoke with all the pain. I can feel the impingement setting in again.

It is so frustrating. I am planning the steps to make the change away from what I am doing. But it takes time. I can switch overnnight.

Now, it's my turn to wonder if I shouldn't go back into the doctor. But I've already been told they can't do anything. I have to stop what I'm doing.

So, here we are awake when sleep is all we want and a whole lot less pain. Ouchy!

Sorry your doing so poorly. I over did it too. We never learn to not push ourselves on our good days.

I think when I over do on a good day, I'm so busy enjoying being semi-normal I don't think about the consequences. But boy do I pay for enjoying a day kinda like the rest of the world does. Gee, thanks ra. Pass the cookies & milk please!

Sorry you're feeling so crappy...hope the cookies and milk helped

I have held my own without being on meds due to lack of insurance but now that I am on insurance it is a relief knowing that at least I can recieve meds now. When I see my Rd it will feel so good knowing that we can start me on some kind of medication, and I will probably over do it, prob feel terrible later, and then rest, then cycle all over again!

Geez, what is a person to do but try to enjoy our lives. It sure beats being a cripple in some nursing home like what used to happen with people with RA decades ago.


Get yourself some rest and take it easy.  We all need those days of feeling normal.  I think sometimes it is worth it, even though we pay later.  I hope that next time you can just play in the garden for a few hours and still save your body.

I think moderation is sort of the key to our condition.  I do better when I live in moderation with all things.  I have recently been swimming a lot and paying the price.  I want to exercise, but then it kills me the next day.  Now, I just float in the pool and walk in the water and swim lightly and minimally.  I still get to have a nice time, but I am not killing myself.

I hope you feel better soon.
Mmmm. Mint oreos. I thought you actually said you had to "take" mint oreos & milk - I'd like to see my RD prescribe those, for a change. I hope you feel better, Crunchy. 

I was feeling low today so when I was at Costco I bought a cheesecake. I'll be resting with cheesecake & diet soda.

I do hope that you are feeling much better now after your "medication.


I was in so much pain...I took Monday off.  I felt myself slipping to far off the track.  Now it is raining in VA Beach, VA and I am acheing all over.

Is there any rest for the weary! LOL

(cheescake + and diet soda -)

I often put that theory into practice at the drive-thru, Big Mac and diet Coke!

Mint Oreos and SKIM milk!

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