Cris, wishing you the best tomorrow! | Arthritis Information


Hi Cris

Just want to say I'm thinking of you and hoping all goes really well with your RD apt tomorrow.  I know you've been in so much pain recently and I'm really hoping and praying that you get the help you need.  Your always here for everyone.....we are here for you too! I'm sending lots of love and positivity (word? not sure but that's what I want to send you) your way!! 


Thanks for the "positivity" Pam.

I really appreciate your thoughts and prayers. If I could just get something for the pain and to help me sleep, I'm sure I'll feel a whole lot better. I'm actually excited to be going to the rheumy!  I never use to be, but now I am.  It's the first step towards feeling better again.

Anyway, thanks for thinking of me Pam.  And thanks for making me laugh.  That always helps lift the spirits.



Dear Cris, I hope that your appt goes well tomorrow! Check in when you can! Love and hugs, Juliah


I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, hoping you like the new Rheu... and get some medications so you can feel better. You've had a hard time for awhile now and deserve to feel better.

Let me know if this Dr. sucks

Take care 


I hope everything goes GREAT!!!!!  xoxox meme

This doctor has about 6 or 8 offices that she works out of, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. 

If I have time when I get back and before going to work, I'll let you all know how it goes.



I'll be thinking about you too've waited so long. I can't wait to hear how it goes.

Check back with us as soon as you can.

Good Luck!!

Hey guys,

Just a quick note.  I just got back from the RD, and have to get ready for work.  But I wanted you all to know that I LOVE HER!!  She's a wonderful doc, a single mother, like me, and VERY understanding.  She started me on Enbrel, 50mg.  There was no doubt in her mind that the RA was active again.

I'll fill you all in later, when I have more time.  Thanks all for the wishes.  I was very pleased with how everything went. 



AWESOME!!! This is fantastic news. I've heard of people getting great results with Enbrel. You are so ready for this!!

I'm so happy you liked the new doctor. That's so important...this is a long term relationship.


I had good results with Enbrel the last time I was on it, about 2 years ago.  We discussed, today, which course to take as far as meds.  I told her about how we tried several different combos of meds before, finally settling on Mtx/Enbrel mix, which worked wonders.  So she decided to go with the 50mg Enbrel, and later add mtx if need be.  (I told her I was allergic to Prednisone,

Now I just have to find a way to pay for the Enbrel.  I'm calling them in the morning and ask about their assistance program.  I'll also check into the other programs that you mentioned in your other post Lovie. I HAVE to get back on this drug!!



Good luck, Cris!  I hope you are feeling better soon!

Thanks Starling.  I feel better just knowing that relief is on the way. 

I was sitting here thinking about it, and I can't remember the last time I ENJOYED a visit to any doctor.  This RD was so kind and understanding, actually listening to me.  She didn't rush me in and out, as is often the case with doctors.  She took her time, and was quite thorough, listening to all of my questions and concerns, and gave me honest answers.  And the best part of it is, she's close!  I actually look forward to my next visit! 

Since Enbrel worked so well for me before, I'm thinking it will work well this time around too.  I just know I'll be feeling better in no time.  I have a life to live!

Thank you all so much for being here!  Don't know what I'd do without ya!



Cris; I'm so excited for you!! I'm thrilled to hear how much you liked your new doctor...and a female!! My first RD was a female and she was so gentle and kind; but she moved to florida about 4 years into it. It nearly broke my heart. I changed to another doctor in that same practice whom I liked as well; but eventually due to changes in my insurance I had to change to another doctor in the next town about 40 minutes away. I love him to death; especially his nurse...but it is a long drive so I can understand your excitement about being close to home.

I hope some of the folks here will hear your excitement and see that there are great, kind, caring doctors out there that make such a difference in our treatment. It seems that so many here seem to be "stuck" with doctors they can't stand; and in my opinion are down right disrespectful to them. We all deserve to have a doctor we like....especially after all we have to go through.

Great progress Cris; congratulations!!


I agree Lovie.  Having the right doctor makes a world of difference in treatment.  Not having to deal with the stress of a disrepectful doctor certainly makes a difference in the condition as well.

I knew about this RD when I was initially diagnosed, but was on Medical Assistance at the time, and she didn't take MA patients.  So I went to a different doctor over an hour away.  I really liked him.  He was gentle and kind, and had a great "bedside manner."  Then when I went into remission, I didn't see him again.  Now I have insurance through work, so I was able to go to the female, only 20 minutes away!  I was soooo hoping that I would like her, as I really didn't want to make that drive again.  I got very lucky with this one.  I think we're going to have a great relationship.  I'm also much better informed now, and that will make our relationship that much better, and more productive.

I feel for all of you out there with these jerks that call themselves doctors.  I think one of the problems is, from an article I read a few years ago, is that there aren't NEARLY enough rheumatologists out there, and they know it.  They know we HAVE to see them, so they (or rather some of them, not all) feel they can treat us however they like because they're in demand and know we'll be back.  And if we don't go back, there's always others that will because they need to.  It's sad really. Makes me angry that people who suffer from these terrible illnesses are forced to put themselves through these degrading experiences. Those doctors should be made to live one day in our shoes, maybe their attitudes would change a bit, don't you think?


