Pregnant w/RA | Arthritis Information


Let’s just say I am not one of those lucky women who go into remission during pregnancy. I hurt. I am getting bigger, which means more weight on my joints and I can only sleep in a few positions. Plus add hormones, which make me more emotional than usual.

I keep wondering how much permanent damage I am doing to my joints.

Just needed to get that off my chest.Oh gosh...I feel for you.
So much at once!! Please do what you can to take
care of and pamper yourself., k?

Man, this is such a hard thing on its own.  I wish you well in your pregnancy and motherhood.  Being a mom is hard work on its own, and so is RA.   Hhhmmm if I were in your situation, I would try to get into a pool as much as I could. Some "weightless" time would be a big relief!Oh, my! I really feel for you. Are you able to rest during the day? Have
you tried an electric blanket? I live in FL and still use it in the summer, it
seems to help soothe my joints. Best of luck to you and your little one.
How hard for you. I agree with cruncy that a warm water program might really help. If you could just suspend yourself  from one of those styrofoam noodles in water over your head, You'd take the stress off your joints. Even though I'm not pregnant, that's what I do when I'm having a really bad flare and it helps.

Be careful, no hot baths or hottubs or hot heating pads when pregnant as they can hurt the baby.

Keep your feet up, get enough exercise and rest when needed.
