Follow up to self improvement | Arthritis Information


So we had talked about trying to do things to feel better about ourselves and so I did. They are minor, surface things, but they have helped none the less.

1. I colored over my gray hairs

2. Got a new haircut

3. bought some new make up (Bare Minerals) that I have been wanting for months

4. am conscientious of, but less worried about my weight

5. started spending more quality time with my husband and kids, individually...trying to give each person special attention

It is a start. It has helped my mood. It may sound superficial to feel better because of a great haircut, but hey...what ever works right?

I've been using bare minerals for about a year. I love it.

Sounds like your on roll. Glad to hear it's helping.

I have considered bare minerals and I have NEVER worn make up.  Did you get it over the internet?  I think every little thing you do for your self esteem is GREAT.  RA really beats up our self esteem.  Good for you Crunchy.
I also have a new haircut that I love.  I got bangs and I look 10 years younger.  It is great.  :)

Glad to see you are having some good stuff going on.
Anything u do to make yourself feel better is a good thing and it's amazing how just a haircut can make u feel so much better.

Because of the curly hair thing I've been thinking about getting my hair cut short.  Then I think it might look really good a little longer.  I'm on that teeter totter.  How did you get your hair cut? 

New sexy underwear and bras help too!!!

Yeah right, Teri. Who's ever going to see those? Maybe for you. No, you're right.

I forgot, what's sexy?

Deanna, my dog is the only one who sees it besides me, but it does give ya little bit of encouragement, just knowing you are wearing it!!!  LOL

So it bears the question, and forgive me for asking, but it just popped in my mind--

Does your dog think you're sexy? Or, are you too sexy for your dog?

Don't hit me. I'm bad. I don't even have a dog.

Or sexy underwear, and maybe that's my problem. I don't think he really cares if I'm sexy or not...  as long as I give him cookies and let him over half of the king sized bed!!!    Dogs are good!!!   Terinski38885.8734490741

Only if men were that easy to satisfy. What kind of dog is he? I really want to get one now that I'm in a place that I can have one. I have to stick with a small dog. I love big ones though. I had a maltese that I just loved and a half wolf that was amazing.


That's my Diesel, in the avatar spot.  He's a pit bull lover dog... I've had him since he was ten days old.  I bottle fed him and spoiled him rotten.  He goes everywhere with me.  He's so the poster dog for why bull terrier type dogs are good!!!  LOL

here's a better picture of him

Oh, he is such a doll. And, your girls are beautiful. They look like angels which you've said they aren't always. My son was difficult to handle until he moved out and learned what the real world was like. Actually, they have both apologized for a lot of their attitude now that they face the world more directly. Yes, teenagers do turn human again if only you can survive them.

But they are pretty. And your doggy, such a lover. Give him a cookie for me.

Thanks!  The girls are great, and I am able to see past the now and know they are going to be wonderful adults.  I swear aliens come and take over thier bodies and minds about the age of 11 and don't leave until about 18-21.

Yes, I believe it is the general theory and seems to be holding up in my case. What is important and what will make the difference is that you care so very much. You have that down. It's obvious.

My children learned a lot about how not to be selfish because of my illness. They have learned to be compassionate not only to me but to other people that are in their lives. They hate that I'm sick, but now it is not so much what it takes from them but because they are sad to see the changes and the impact it has on me.

They will learn perserance and character from you through all of this. You just can't buy that. And, not many parents seem to be willing to give that.

Boy, where is everyone tonight. Do you think they are out partying or all in a ball of pain somewhere? Maybe they found Constantinople and didn't tell us.

It's so quiet in here, you can hear a pin drop.

I'm just sitting in front of the fan. It's hot out and the evening temp is still high.
To make myself feel better I went out and got some new pjays. I had been sleeping in my old scrub pants with a tee shirt. It feels so nice to have something that matches. I want to get another set. Maybe, I'll go on a mini- shopping spree for a few new things.


okay Linda---you are not allowed to refer to Bare Minerals as BM ever again. I do not want to put BM on my face. Sorry, I cant do it. How about br. min.--better?

My hair is long and pretty much had no layers in it. I got a lot of layers and now it has body. My recommendation is to spend the money and go to an experienced stylist. You can go in and say I want something that will flatter the shape of my face and be easy to manage and they will be able to suggest cuts that are appropriate for your face and hair type.

I was watching TBS movie and a makeover today, and they were talking about heart shaped, round or square faces and I realized that alot of us prob. have more of a round face now with the RA and the meds. Sometimes a cut that was once flattering can change if there is a big change in the shape of your face.

Teri and Deanna-here is another alternative that may make you feel good undies on the dog....Marisa, my entire pj collection is made up of retired scrub bottoms and old t-shirts. I need some nicer PJ's too.