Just Joined Your Group !!! | Arthritis Information


 Hi, I have been enjoying this board for the past month. This morning I have joined and hopefully can add to, learn and share some ideas, input or just laughter.

 My partner and I struggle with the daily dilemas we face courageosuly, with a positive attitude and the preserverence to live as Normal as possible with this Disease process. Melodie is a Disabled RN (After we were hit Head-On by a Drunk Driver) & I currently am still working. My RA & Fibromyalgia are challenging my daily limites, but onward we go.

 Having RA & Fibromyalgia has changed every aspect of our lives, as well as Melodie's disabilities we face. Together we work well and live well for one another.

 Thanks for all the Information, Ideas and Friendship that is displayed and expressed on this board, I look forward to reading others thoughts, history and general questions.



Welcome! One other forum member just found an older
topic, "who are you" that gives a summary of many of the forum members
RA stories. Check it out. Mine is listed in "Share your RA timeline" .

Glad you're hear and hope you'll post often so we can get to know you.

Oh, and I have heard a lot of people having car accidents and then getting FM. Don't know if there is a direct connection, but seems I seen it mentioned several times.

I got rear-ended shortly before my RA/FM symptoms developed.

Welcome tp.  Look forward to your posts.  Hi TP -- I'm 33 y.o. with RA for around 6 months now.  This place has a lot of great support and information.  You learn so much from the experience of others.  It has helped me a lot.  Welcome. Hi Tp...welcome   Welcome TP. Glad that you decided to join us.

   MarisaGlad you found us, Wlecome!Welcome, glad to meet you. Look forward to reading your posts. I have RA and fibro too as well as OA, and Sjogren's.

hi tp215! welcome! you'll love it here. this board is great. helps a lot when others can relate & there's people here who will help & respond. i just wish all these great people didn't have this at all.

deanna-  i've also noticed a lot of people mentioning they've been in car accidents & then developing ra or fibro. i'm one of em. there prob is some sort of connection.


tp-every time I read these threads, even if I have been here before, I always go back and read the initial post. I missed something on yours the first time around and kind of put my foot in my mouth on my first post. My apologies. Anyways, we are glad to have you here!
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