Ultram and me | Arthritis Information


   Yesterday at 8:30PM, I took my first dose of Ultram. It's 50mgs. and I waited for it to kick in. At 2AM, I took my second dose and this time I took 2 50mg pills. The doc said that I could but not to go over that. I slept and when I finally got up at 8:30AM, I felt as if I had this terrible hangover!!! Plus I'm still sleepy. Guess I won't be doing any driving today. The one 50mg pill doesn't work that well and taking 2 pills, well..... I want my blanket and pillow. I've got several pulled muscles from my attempt to go back to work. The only thing that seems to help is the biofreeze. When I go to my RA doc. I'm going to talk to him about my meds and see if there's something else that I can take.
   One other thing, I'm sorry for being sooo down these past few days. But I had pour all of myself into trying to do my job and then when reality set in, I felt mad with myself for wasting my co-workers time and that I had let them down. Now that I've had some time to think, I'm going to look at this as a positive thing and that new possibilities will open up for me.


I take ultram twice a day 12hrs apart, i take two of the 50mg at a time, if i take one, it does nothing for me.

Like you said, i am sooooooooooo sleepy with my morning dose.

But i don't get sleepy with my evening dose for some reason.


You do need to apologize. Everyone of us gets down. And we all understand that. You are dealing with a particularly difficult situation with your work and health. You need all the support you can get. It is the intelligent and wise thing to do to come here looking for some comfort and support. I think you handle it all very well.

Just don't keep running yourself so hard. If they declare you disabled, take it and use the time and money to figure out what step you WANT to take next. If they accomodate you, you still win.

You are not letting others down when you are doing all that is possible for you. If others make you feel that way, that's their problem because they just don't understand. I take on that guilt, too, and I shouldn't. I do the best I can. Sometimes it is enough and sometimes it's not.

Marissa, my rd explainned to me when I was taking ultram it was used in conjucture with my pain meds, that it gave my pain meds an extra little kick to help with the pain.  I was to take no more than 6 a day. It seem to help but I no longer need it as the pain has pretty well gone down to a minimum.  You have no need to apoligise for feeling down and needing to talk about it we all have been there and it is hard to go through it alone.  We are here for each other, hang in there hon.  meme


I take Tylenol 4 for severe pain, although I dont take that daily. I am sensitive to pain meds and would be sleeping the days away if I was on them routinely. I take motrin and tylenol, sometimes together. The thing that has helped me alot is Flexeril. It is a muscle relaxer and I have found that especially when I am trying to rest my muscles are what give me the most trouble. They just spasm like crazy and that little pill works wonders. I have taken different muscle relaxers and the only one that I dont recommend is Soma. It really makes you loopy and when you recover from that sensation of dopiness you are hurting again. Flexeril is by far the best and it doesnt make me sleepy at all. You might benefit from a mild muscle relaxer. Also, try cutting your second Ultram in half. Take your 50mg then an hour later 25 mg and then if you still need it take the last half an hour later. Take it with some caffiene too. Thanks everybody. Guess that it had to all come out and it feels good knowing that all of you know what I'm going through. I'm just not used to this rollercoaster ride yet. It seems as if my RA is hitting me more and that makes me mad/sad. I find it hard for me not to give it my all. It's so hard to live from one hour to the next with this. One minute you feel like you can take on the world and the next you are totally wiped out. Guess that I need how to find a way of pacing myself.
   It's time for me to go put some Biofreeze on my shoulder, knee and groin area, pulled a muscle there.

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