Celebration! Whew-Hew | Arthritis Information


My LTD company called me today (I wouldn't think they worked on Saturday's), anyway- I was approved for Long Term Disability!

What a relief! I should get my first monthly check the end of June. Thank goodness!

I've been working on this since April when my STD ended. She said this was one of the fasted claims she'd done. It helped a great deal that I had regular RD appointments every 2-3 months and that my Dr's notes were very detailed. I'll be waiting awhile longer to see if SSDI thinks my records are good enough. But that's OK, since the amount I receive won't change.

Yippie! I'm so excited that now I can spend tomorrow figuring out how to budget with a monthly check instead of a weekly, what bills to pay at the beginning of the month with my check and which ones will come out of hubbys weekly check. And, I only have 1 more car payment left.

I spent this morning at my parents house with my 16 month old grand-daughter, she swung, sang me a beautiful song (words must have been in another language), she had her first icecream cone, outside thank goodness because it's much fun to poke your finger thru the sides of the cone and let the icecream run out. A true joy!

What a good day I'm having! Finally a good one.

And since I was approved I just took a much needed Pred. I'm really swollen and hurting, but had stopped taking it in fear of having to see one of their Dr's to tell me I really did have severe RA.

Sorry to go on & on. I just had to share my great news.


So happy and excited for you!!!! I cannot believe they called you today. There must be someone on your side. I know how relieved I would be. This is the coolest!!!

But so was your description of your granddaughter. That was really special, too!

All in all, it gives all of us hope. Whew! What a relief. Now, you don't have to worry about Constantinople.

I'm so glad it came through for you. Good luck.

That's great news!! Wonderul news!!!   Yea!! That's great.


Super fabulous news! I know it must feel like such a weight lifted off of your shoulders! Ahh to let your worries go!

I am really really happy for you (and a little jealous too

I have a few questions, and allowing for each company's differences: How do I attempt to start the STD procedure? How do long does the process take? Does the Company require you to pay your part of the Insurance Premiums? What documentation is needed to approach the Company? Thanks for your time and any/all answers you can relay, I would greatly appreciate your response.

  Hope all are having a wonderful Fathers' Day! I sure miss my Father, he was a very kind, intellegient, warm, sensitive, and deeply religious MAN. I along with all my brothers and sister were blessed with him as our Father, friend and Loving presence.

  It is raining in Texas right now, so I am feeling the Humidity, the dampness, and the Stiffness of the Morning air.


  TP & Melodie

congratulations db.  That is the BEST news.  The pressure of work just is not fair.  Happy retirement and I will bet you that your ra improves now that you won't have that stress. 

My disability ins company is PMA, I'll be happy to try to help.

How do I attempt to start the STD procedure? How do long does the process take? Does the Company require you to pay your part of the Insurance Premiums? What documentation is needed to approach the Company?

When things just got too bad I first saw my RD (same one for 19 years) he agreed I was having a terrible flare. Had just failed Remicade, had just gotten back xrays showing joint involvement & labs with an elevated ANA. For the 1st time in all the years I broke down and cried while talking to him. I was so embarrased, I usually fake being stong very well. I explained that I couldn't do on. I told him all the details; riding to work with hubby sleeping all the way home, crashing on the couch just to have energy to make it to the shower & bed for the night, could'nt shower in the AM because it wore me out in addition to getting ready for work,told him about never spending time with my family because I was always too tired - at night & on the weekend when I spent time in bed to be able to get up on Monday morning and do it all again.

My bilateral hands/wrist had severe CTS & limited to using them 5 - 10 min. before stopping whatever I was doing. I told him I was concerned about causing more joint damage from pushing myself constantly. I also told him right now I have nothing in my life but work. Sleep, work, sleep, catch-up on sleep to do it all over again another week. I told him I wanted more than work in my life.

He understood and was completely supportive. He said my RA was certainly severe enough to quailify for disability. We decided to start with 12 weeks off (that was the lenght of my STD). I saw him after 8 weeks, joints had improved a little but not much. I explained how much better I was able to cope with not having to work. It was like a whole new life for me. He agreed to take me out of work long term.

After being put out on STD my employer contacted our HR department and they faxed the paperwork I'd need to have filled out. A couple pages for me & a couple for my RD. As soon as they were faxed back (within a week) I got approved. Short-term was very easy to get approval.

After being put out long-term the STD dept. contacted the LTD dept. and they faxed my Dr. 5 pages of request. They questioned me on the phone about why I couldn't work and what I did all day. That's were the problems begin. Dr. didn't get it, LTD said they'd sent it, on and on for about 1 1/2 months. Once they did get back my Dr.'s forms I was approved with in days. To get my STD I only had 1 week with no check. To get the LTD it will end up being 5 weeks with no check. Doesn't seem like long, but when the bills are pilling up it's forever.

Sometimes they send you to one of their Dr.'s to comfirm you can't work.

I don't pay anything towards premiums since I was put out on STD.

I didn't have to send them anything except the report of what my job was, supervisor, pay. The STD only needed him to fill out 2 pages saying what my disability was, how long I've had it, how long is it expected to last, what treatments have been tried, what are my work limitations.

For long term they wanted details, how long can it sit, walk reach, grasp, how much can I carry, labs, xray reports, 1 1/2 years of office notes.

Hope this is a help. Please ask anytime if you have any more questions?


 Thanks so much for all the detailed info. I pretty much feel the same as you, work, sleep, pain, work..... I have a Dr. Appt. this morning, and I hope all goes well. Your time and answers were a big relief and a great inspiration. I hope you continue to rest, heal and enjoy your life with this unpredictable disease.


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