Muscle spasms that wake me up | Arthritis Information


Just curious if anyone out there is actually awakened by their muscle spasms and can actually see that their hands, legs, shoulders etc. are twisted up or strained? I have noticed this many nights and I have to actually talk myself out of it. The doctors have done an X-ray and an MRI on my cervical spine, and they can actually see that it is almost constantly spasming. I can only take Selaxin as the other muscle relaxers knock me clean out. I was dx'd with PA and fibromyalgia 3 years ago. The spasms just started happening a couple of months ago.

Just wondering if this happens to anyone else.

Amy Lee38490.9003240741

Yes, I've had them wake me during the night, and I can DEFINITELY see that my foot/feet are twisted into abnormal positions.  I have to stand on them for a good 10 minutes, keeping pressure on them, in order to get it to relax.  And the spot that was spasming is usually sore for a couple of days afterwards.

I was dx'd about 6 years ago with fibro and ra, and only recently started getting the muscle spasms.  Recently started getting them in  my jaws as well.


Do you find th skelaxin helps?  I liked it for daytime use since it didn't knock me out.  But, for night use...zanaflex is my fave.  At least while it works. I adjust to it too fast.
hugs, wayney



My pain specialists nurse told me to take Vitamin E for spasms. I have not tryed that yet so I can not tell you if it works or not.


I had twitches in my legs for years, associated with my arthritis. I found that hydrotherapy treatment helped. I bought a system that fits in my bath at home and find it relaxes my legs and back brilliantly. There's more information on them here I use it just before going to bed, and most nights I have an undisturbed nights sleep.

Have you tried quinine? It can be bought over the counter and it is also found in tonic water. I had great results with it for cramping and spasms in feet and calves.

Taking magnesium has worked wonders for my husband and I.  You have to be careful and not take too much, or it will give you diarrhea.  I take 2 calcium/magnesium tablets before I go to bed and it really does help.  I have a lot of restless leg discomfort, and my husband suffers from muscle spasms in his legs.  If we run out of our calcium/magnesium and go a few days without taking it, we discover how much it really was helping!

If you have a leg cramp in your calf, put you toes on the floor and slowly bring your heel down.  It usually helps release the cramp.  Don't do it quickly though, you can tear the muscle.

Crunchy, I am nervous about taking quinine.  My father was prescribed quinine by his physician, and after taking it for a few months he landed in the hospital because his quinine level was too high.  With anything, including over the counter supplements like the calcium/magnesium or quinine, it's important to keep your doctor informed about what you are taking.

My RD is the one who recommended it to me.  I just drink a glass of diet tonic water with and added twist of lemon at bedtime. I take my meds with it and have it to sip on while I watch TV or post hereI have also suffered these spasms that have ruined much needed rest!!  I now take Requip an hour before bed and sleep much better.  I take the magnesium tablets with my evening pills too, and that helps stave off the intital feelings of RLS. 
I'll have to try the tonic.. anything that works!!  thanks for the ideas!
I had muscle spasms in my shoulder that was unbeareable. I started on provigil for another reason and have had great relief from the spasms. I also read recently that treating children with CP was very effective for treating spasms. Some who were never able to walk began to do so after treatment with the provigil.I really like the idea of tonic water. I will try it. I get toe and foot cramps all the time. The calf cramps at night.
I was looking for a good idea to try. Thanks
Hi new Friends,
I am very happy to find you all and hope to come here often. Thank you all that have written your information. I have been reading and reading. This was the first thing that I may be able to help with information.
I was dx with RA this past Feb, so far it has been tough. However, I went to a Rheaumy right away and she sent me for lab tests right away and gave me a mega injection of
prednisone. I had muscle spasms wake me way before I was dx with RA. Anyway my Neurologists gave me Lidoderm patches to use. They help the pain and I don't have the soreness afterward. They are rather expensive for me so I found I can cut them in half and they work fine on my calf, feet etc. You will need an RX to get the Lidoderm Patches. Good luck, I hope this information will be of help. I have muscle spasms in my fingers also but haven't figured out how I can use the patches on them yet. I am usually cutting up things to cook or writing when they happen in my fingers. These do not seem as severe as the legs, feet and oh goodness the bad ones in my ribs. OUCH!
May God Bless you All,
Wow. I have RA and have been getting terrible cramps in my feet, hands and the worst pain is around my rib cage if I move or twist the wrong way. Feet I get bad at night when in bed and have to get up several times a night to try and walk them off. Hands, fingers cramp up so that my hands look like claws. Is this all part of RA then?  I'm on MTX, Vit D supplement, Levox.  123ronbn562011-03-09 07:43:32456ronbn562011-03-09 07:44:21

Muscle Spasms, Cramps, and Charley Horse

Possible Causes of Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps can have many possible causes. They include:

  • Poor blood circulation in the legs
  • Overexertion of the calf muscles while exercising
  • Insufficient stretching before exercise
  • Exercising in the heat
  • Muscle fatigue
  • Dehydration
  • Magnesium and/or potassium deficiency
  • Calcium deficiency in pregnant women
  • Malfunctioning nerves, which could be caused by a problem such as a spinal cord injury or pinched nerve in the neck or back

Muscle cramps can also occur as a side effect of some drugs. Medications that can cause muscle cramps include:

  • Lasix (furosemide), Microzide (hydrochlorothiazide), and other diuretics ("water pills") used to remove fluid from the body
  • Aricept (donepezil), used to treat Alzheimer's disease
  • Prostigmine (neostigmine), used for myasthenia gravis
  • Procardia (nifedipine), a treatment for angina and high blood pressure
  • Evista (raloxifene), an osteoporosis treatment
  • Brethine (terbutaline), Proventil and Ventolin (albuterol), asthma medications
  • Tasmar (tolcapone), a medication used to treat Parkinson's disease
  • Statin medications for cholesterol such as Crestor (rosuvastatin), Lescol (fluvastatin), Lipitor (atorvastatin), Mevacor (lovastatin), Pravachol (pravastatin), or Zocor (simvastatin). answers are on the webronbn562011-03-09 07:45:44990
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