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Hi there, not been here for a long long time!

Just wondering, has anyone tried the doctor Mercola diet, or EFT or NST or antibiotic protocol?

Does anyone do any of this.. by the way, I personally would recommend EFT for stress, look it up on the net somewhere it's called emotional freedom techique - I had a major major issue which made me cry literally on a daily basis, and it's gone.  - The reason I'm asking all this is because I've had my head in books and been trailing round therapists etc trying to find out what I can do to help myself.  Just wondering if anyone else is trying anything like this that we could exchange thoughts - don't want to clog up the board or anything if anyone wants to pm me?

Love and hugs to everyone xx
I do accupunture, yoga, a non inflammatory diet, supplements and exercise.  I think it has made a real difference.  I have read that the Medditeranean diet is recommended for people with arthritis....I swear, I am going to start doing something soon. I just had to get in the right place, you know....but I think I am just about there!Roxy,
What is a non-inflammatory diet?  and do you think it helps?


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