Maybe we don’t have the same disease | Arthritis Information


I keep reading about everyone's different reactions to their meds, to the illness. Maybe there is more than one form of RA and that's why the doctors are not getting it right.

However, all of them suck. Yes there is Suck RA 1, whoa that's sounds bad.... try again. RA Basic 101, RA Intermediate 202, RA -who gives a damn- 303, RA ... ok, you finish it.

How about "Philosophies of having RA but not having RA" (sections 1 and 2)

and "RA-a study of how your family will react"

and the advanced version "RA-teaching your family that you are not really lazy"

and the ever popular "RA- how to fire your Rheumatologist with out blowing up his BMW in the parking lot"

   LOL, I needed that.


I think those are great additions to the school catalog. I think the last one should be a required course for everyone.

We also need a name for this school (or is this a torture chamber?).

Oh that's easy---RA-U  I've got my BS degree

We have lots of wonderful writers in our group, he's some ideas - go to it girls! This may be off the wall, but how about,

"RA - learning to wipe your butt with the other hand". And yes, that's what I
had to do. Maybe it will give you all a laugh!