RA and Infertility? | Arthritis Information


I'm new here and am wondering if anyone has any information about the connection between the two.  Had JRA since age 4, on Enbrel since December which allowed me to wean from Trilisate and Prednisone.  Doing well with RA but have "unexplained infertility".  I'm 36 and it's starting to look like clock stuff but we started this process when I was 31 so if something else was to blame then, who knows now.  Any personal experiences with this would be appreciated.  It's easy to feel alone with RA but to have the added weight of not being able to conceive...well...we never ask how much we can handle.

I certainly wish you luck in conceiving, I know it must be very frustrating. Were you on birth control for a long time? I know that for some people it takes several years to conceive after stopping b/c.

Welcome Luna~

Like Crunchy said I'm one of the ones that was dx'ed after the birth of my second child. BUT 12 years later I'm in menopause at age 35 (started at 32). It could have been caused by the RA itself; or the medications I've taken all of these years to control it. MTX is known to cause problems of this nature.

Best of luck to you. Hope to see more of you here.

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