To the real experts - please help ! | Arthritis Information



Hi to the real experts! I saw my doc on Thursday after really bad shoulder pain on Wed and Thurs. I also developed fever on Thursday. He sent me to ER because of a history of septic joints. They took Xrays and discovered the shoulder was dislocated and transfered me down to the "big guys" at the University who did surgery on Friday. So far nothing bad is growing (Praise the Lord!) but I'm in a sling and my whole arm is ace-wrapped to my chest with a big brace to keep my arm in position. The doc says the joint is extremely unstable and could go out anytime, so I don't know what the future holds.
I'm home now, but it's tough getting around even with my motorized wheelchair. The biggest problem - what I hope you can help with- is that I live alone and can't dress myself, can't pull up pants, underpants, pull over shirt -etc. What do I wear??? I hate to be in a nightgown all the time. Most days from home care, someone comes in and could help me dress in a T-shirt and skirt, but do I sleep in those then, until they come the next day? Do I try to hire more help? ANYTHING  you've experienced like that - I know you have- would help me. Thanks!!!

Maybe some pretty sun dresses that you can just pull over your head?  Or those pretty broomstick skirts that are so popular this season...  If jammies is all you can do by yourself...then by all means wear 'em!  I do!  I'd go to work and church in them if I could!  It's all about being comfortable to me now...

Good luck with your shoulder.  I had a torn rotator cuff repair done last January...the physical therapy was Hell, but paid off.  I hope you are more mobile soon..

Hi Kathy- So very sorry to hear about your shoulder. Not only does it sound extremely painful, but almost impossible to do anything for yourself!

Is it on your dominate side? Are you able to fix simple meals for yourself or does the home care worker do that for you? You might ask the worker to show you what kind of clothing you can put on yourself and if not possible, then just have her dress you in something comfortable enough that you can sleep or do anything else in it til she comes the next day to help you change.

I'm with Claire, I wear the most comfortable things possible all the time. Seldom any buttons or zippers. Usually just pull on pants or loose skirts and pull over shirts, or loose 1 piece sundress. Most other things hurt my body. Don't even wear a bra  unless I am going out somewhere and really have to, then I wear a fasten-in-the-front "sleep" bra.

Good luck. I hope your shoulder heals very fast. If it's possible for you and you need the extra help, I would certainly get it. I can't imagine living by myself. I think my precious husband has me spoiled.

Gentle hugs and blessings, Nini

Hi Kathy...I am so sorry this happened.  But I totally understand what it is like to only have one hand.  I have had such bad flares in the past that for weeks I could only use one side.  So, I skipped the bra and wore large pj tops.  Then I wore pull up sweat-suit shorts with an expandable waiste so there would be no buttons or zippers.  (You can probably get them in the underwear department). And because they were so loose, it was easy to pull them up with one hand (for the bathroom too).  And if you had to, you could sleep in them.

I know it is quite a feat to take care of yourself.  Maybe you could ask a friend or family member to check in on you in the evening so they can help you wash yourself and change your clothes?  Then the next day your nursing help could wash and dress you for the day.  One thing I will time passes you do figure out new ways to take care of yourself when you are alone.  But, it is still imperative that you have some backup each day.  Especially if your shoulder is so unstable.  You surely don't want to move it the wrong way while trying to dress yourself.   Even though we all like to be independent, with this kind of surgery you really need help!  Take care, feel better and let us know how you are progressing.  We all really care!  Susan Lee

Fiona, I love your idea for clothes.

Kathy, in response to your question, some states do provide someone to come in for the full day. This would be separate from what your medical insurance would provide. You might call United Way or see if there is a Community Information and Referral number in the front of your phone book. Catholic Family Services and Jewish Family Services also may be able to help you find a resource. If none of those works, call the hospital where you had surgery and ask the surgical department or the information desk if they know what you can do. Also, your local Senior Citizen Center  might have an answer as they have people in this kind of situation all the time.

I live alone and I have shoulder problems, so I know what you are talking about. I am also curious about what the long term prognosis is for you on this. Will your shoulder be stable now that they have done surgery, once it heals?

And, I didn't know so many people were changing their fashion statements. I think I will feel more free to explore these new alternatives because it is so hard to get dressed.

PJs all the way! And yes you need to get some help in the evenings...but if you do have to sleep in your clothes it should be PJs.Welcome and sorry you are going through such a hard time. When I'm really uncomfortable and need to be dressed but am spending a lot of time in bed ,I have these really comfortable capris pants with loose elastic waist that I can pull up and down easily. Those and a loose pull on shirt or sweat top work for me. I guess you would need the cardigan kind if one arm is caput. Slip on clogs complete the wardrobe.Does this makes us "Desperate Women" or "Sex in the City?"

RA has froze my right shoulder so I am a one arm woman for most things

I would wear soft comforty PJs all day if I could get away with it.  LindaK, I love those capri pants also.

Deanna, Maybe "Desperate Women in the City"? Welcome Kathy. You came to the right place. I had shoulder sugery done last Feb. They have got you in a shoulder immoblizer which sucks. I'm lefthanded and my left shoulder was immoblize. I had to get very creative with the way I did things. I could only use my fingers on the left side. Couldn't move the arm, so I would sort of lay the left arm on the bathroom counter and place my tooth brush inbetween my fingers to stabilize it. I found that if I could stabilize things this way, that I could use my right hand to do things. I would miss alot when doing things, toothpaste on the counter instead of the brush. I could only do a sponge bath and it was using one hand. Sat on the toliet to wash my feet and legs. Use a long handle brush to wash my back. Wrapped, as best as I could, the wash cloth around the brush and did my back the best I could.
   Dressing myself.... forgot the bra. Wore only large over the head tops that were easy to pull down using one hand. Same for pants. Had to go out and buy ones that were a size larger to make it easier to pull up. I forgot to wear makeup, earrings, or anything that I had to fasten. I learn to use my teeth to pull open the easy open cat food cans, just have to be carefull not to get it into the mouth. I did my own dishes. Had more water on the kitchen counter than in the pan, but my silver wear was clean. Dishes and cups were disp.
   Meals were the frozen microwave kind. If, I couldn't nuke it, I didn't eat it.
   Housekeeping, was very creative. Use my foot to prop the dust pan on when I sweeped the floor. Use draw string trash bags, hugged alot of things to my chest so that I could open them, lower my dishes so I didn't have to reach up high. Use those swiffer mops to pick up the lint/dust around the house. Would sort of lay the cloth on the floor, use my toes to spread it out and then aim the handle for the cloth. Use my knees and good shoulder to hold the handle when tucking the cloth into the handle. I couldn't afford to have a person come in to help me, so I learn to do as much as I could by myself. I only had a person come in when I had to go to my dr's appt. The last thing is remember to keep the trash bags light as it's easier to get out of the can.
One other thing, I would use my sling to carry things in. Found that my little bag of snacks or my book would fit in very nicely. If you need or want more suggestions, just ask me.

   MarisaI know this is serious stuff, but I have to admit I got a good little chuckle reading how you did all that stuff Marisa! Although some of it is pretty impressive, esp. considering that you have RA too. Swiffering? I'll bet you were a site to behold!