It never pours! | Arthritis Information


Well getting up on a day thats wet is bad enough, but today i want to hide away and 'lick my wounds' by myself.

Got to school on time and in relatively small amount of pain for weather, dropped billy off, came out and legs went from under me, fell down steps, as if dying of embarrassment isn't enough, my knees are now killing me and swelling merrily as are my ankles, and my right wrist is so bad i'm typing one handed!

Hope you feel better this afternoon.




That was a big hug from me to you.xoxoxox   I hope you are feeling better today.  Meme

Big hugs for you today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'm so sorry, Tori.  I hope you're feeling better today.  


Ouch!! I sure do hope you weren't hurt too badly.

It's a rainy Friday morning here too....and my entire body is screaming to go home and get back in bed. I do know how ya feel...partly anyway.

Tori; feel better. AND BE CAREFUL!!


(((((((((Tori)))))))))))))))  I hope you are ok and feeling better by the time you read this. Love and gentle hugs, Juliahjust woken up and feeling a little better, still hurt like crazy but some of sweeling gone down a bit, hey ho. as my nan would say, these things are sent to try us. Thank you all. So glad i'm not alone, and i do feel less alone in my life now, just knowing you lot are there. Thankyou hugs all round

Have to go to work, but wanted you to know I'm thinking of you and hope your day gets better!!


Thought i was feeling better when i woke up from a nap, but its creeping back now, taken painkillers, but not helping

Billy's good today, been playing outside with the other kids in the street, love to see him enjoying himself, but i gonna make him soak in a bath tonight anyway.

As you all know, the world keeps turning and as a single parent there's no stopping till he's sorted, just pray for more sleep tonight, it might help!


I do pray about the sleep.  And I'll also pray that you're not in too much pain tomorrow.  I understand about being a single parent.  At night, when we all go to bed, I'm usually near tears from pain and sheer exhaustion from having to just keep myself going throughout the day.  But then, single or not, I think we all go through the same thing, just struggling to get through the day.

I'm thinking about you.



I remember the single mother days myself and it's not easy. But there are advantages. At least you don't have a demanding...uncaring husband to deal with too. Your little boys not going to care one bit if the house isn't clean...and your hair isn't fixed!! Try to look at it that way. Having a husband doesn't always make things better. At times when I was single I was so happy to just be able to only worry about myself when my children when to bed. It's nice not having to feel guilty for being ill.  

Definately go to bed when your little boy does. Even if you don't go to sleep right away; go to bed; take some pain pills and call it a day.

I sure hope you feel better tomorrow.


Sorry to hear about your spill.

I just wanted to say I am sorry and hope you get to doing better.


(((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))) I to was a single mom, raising 2 kids and it is really hard at times anyway, without having the arthritis to deal with. I used to cry after the kids went to bed. Actually the crying can be a good thing, it relieves stress when you let your feelings out.

I hope you aren't too banged up from the fall. You to can use a good soak in the bath, probably all weekend.


my right wrist is giving me some serious grief, its not really swollen as such but hurts down one side through palm, down wrist and arm to elbow, think its probably just jarred or something, but mother's trying to persuade me to go have that and my swollen knee checked out. personally i don't see the point, if i can still move it some then there's  not gonna be a lot they can do. and the thought of sitting in a casualty department for hours is too scary to deal with on top of pain.


As the others were...I was afraid this was going to be the case. Don't panic. You know exactly what the cause is and you were half way expecting these problems today. (Not that that makes it any easier)

Continue to take it easy. It's probable going to take a little time for you to get over these injuries. It's not just the RA; you more than likely got pretty banged up during the fall. Treat yourself extra special and your little boy have a lazy day where you watch movies, and do activities that afford you the opprotunity to lay still and stay off that knee especially.

I wish I was close by so I could come help you.

Take Care,


Hi Tori,

Lovie is so right, even someone in the best condition would suffer after a fall like the one you took.  You need to stay peaceful and take the time you need to get better.  I bet the tub will feel good, I hope someone will be around to help you with that.

I wish we could all be there to cheer you up, but you know  we're always right here for you.

Stay quiet and take care,


Peace & Love...Neasy



Sending you abig


Hi Tori,

I hope your feeling better.  Please let us know how you're doing. I kept checking yesterday hoping to see a post from you, so when you can check in and say hi

Love and hugs,


I second that Tori...we're all concerned about you Sweetie.

Let us hear from you.


Hi all, i'm sorry i didn't post yesterday, I went to stay at my mum's on saturday night and after not sleeping and being in pain still in the morning, she carted me off to the hospital.  As predicted there wasn't much they could do, strapped my knee, didn't want to strap wrist in case it stiffened more, and gave me a prescription for tramadol, has anyone had these? i've not taken them yet, don't like adding new stuff, but if it helps....

still in quite a bit of pain with knee, keep thinking oooh, its a little better, then i get up and wanna cry all over again, but i'm sure it will get better with time. i'm just resting it as much as possible for now.

Thankyou all for caring and for all the hugs, can never have too many. hope you're all ok today.

Girl; go ahead and take the pain medication the hospital gave you. If it will make you feel more comfortable call your RD first and let them know what they gave you. It's only going to make you feel's not going to hurt you. You've suffered enough!!

Thanks for checking in. We've all gotten to where we worry a lot about you Missy....just want to make sure you're doing ok.


Mother not normally like it and i've been wondering why the change of heart?   found out her and my aunt have been talking about whether they can get carers allowance and who should have it!!!

Knees both painful now, left one the weaker and right one i hurt so it not helping much!

Your mother and aunt sound like something my family would do, except that my family still doesn't want to admit there's anything wrong with me.

We're here for you, Tori.



Tori!?!?!? You've got to be kidding me? That breaks me heart to hear that about your family....I was relieved to know you had someone there caring for you but to hear that I just want to scream!!

Sure does make me thankful for my family.

Tori, I have taken tramadol/ultram and it worked pretty well for pain. It is a non-narcotic pain med, but does have some opiod binders/recepters, something or other. It can be addictive, so be sure to stick to regular doses. I hope you are feeling better soon. Love and hugs, juliah

Hi Tori

I'm so glad you're okay.  Had to go to work this morning after I made the post and have been waiting to see that you're on the mend......well kind of

Hot tub sounds like a good idea.

Keep us posted,

Lots of hugs and well wishes,


today is bill paying day, i can't drive, and couldn't anyway with knee! and i need food as i run out of some stuff, and the 2 people that want to be 'primary carers' are both too busy to help!! guess it'll all have to wait then! that on top of only total of about 3hrs kip and knee giving me jip, is all i needed today. ah well, i guess i just have to sleep all day if necessary. hope you all have a better day than mine is and its only just begun!

Not that I have any good ideas for you; but I just don't feel like your on the right treatment. You are in way too much pain. This disease is really painful; but it can be controled with the right mixture of medications.
