Lost my job | Arthritis Information


I went to the company doctor and he wrote some accomodations so I could keep my job.  I have been a ranger for close to twenty years.  The accomodations were six hour days and go to water exercise until my condition improved.   Also, staying in the areas that are not rough hiking.  I had hope they would accept these accomodations so I would not have to apply for disability. I have worked there eight years.  I am inshock.  I lost my job.  I wish I could get ahold of Brett.  My income stopped as of today.   I am so sad.

Try to relax, Sweetie. I know this is one of the really important things in our lives that we truly grieve for. Hopefully, all will work out for you and this may help you to feel better and maybe you can move to Oregon (I think it was Oregon, wasn't it?) so you can be closer to your dear Brett.

Again, I am so sorry that this happened to you.

Gentle hugs, & blessings, Nini

Roxy, I am so sorry this has happened.  You've been through so much with this, so much stress with it all!  If the company doctor recommended accommodations, how could they not accept it?  I don't know how these things work.

Roxy, I'm so sorry for you. You sure don't need this added stress with the RA.

Hang in there honey.









Oh my gosh Roxy!!!  I am so sorry to hear this. So did they just say the accomodations would be too hard on them?  Doesn't sound like they would be.  Does Brett call you when he is away?  I just hate that you are there alone. 

You have been through so much this past year and it's just not fair

Does this mean that your long-term disability goes into effect now?   I know this is a major blow and life-change, and I wish there was something I could say to make it better.  Just know that I am praying for you and that I send lots of hugs.  Call me anytime.

Big hugs to you...Roxy, I'm so sorry this happened. It has to be a shock to you. This is not what you were expecting, and it's NOT fair. RA strikes again. I can't believe that after all of those years of service, they're just saying buh-bye. It seems wrong. I'm in shock, too. Is this even legal?  I was wondering about the legalities myself.  I would check into it, because the accomadations don't seem unreasonable.

Roxy, I'm sorry to hear this news for you.  It has to be heartwrenching...  Roxy, I'm so sad to hear your news. Did they even let you try out the accommodations or just decide they were too expensive ? You might go through either your union lawyer, or a private one who specializes in disabilities. My understanding is they have to offer them to you if it is an operation with over 15 employees and the accommodations would not be prohibitatively expensive for them. You are in my prayers.It is also my understanding that you can go back to work once you are on disability. I know with the disability retirement program at my scholl you can collect disability and earn about ,000 in other jobs. The trick is finding a part time job you can do.


I'm really sorry. Believe me I know how devasting this is and I can't stand the fact that you are alone right now. But we are with you and do care about you.

I don't think I'm very far behind you in this. At least that's how I feel and you know how I've been struggling with my feelings of fighting everything.

As always, I have suggestions. First part of next week, file for SS. You want to get that started. Even you find another alternative and don't have to go on disability, you want to start it right away because they start the clock from the moment you file not the moment it is determined you have a disability. You don't have to take disability if you find another job.

How badly do you want to work instead of being on disability? If you want to still work, there are alternatives to help you. Let me know if you decide you want to discuss them.

Now, the most important thing, how do you survive this moment, this shock, this pain. My first and last thing is always prayers. I call my friends. I talk. I cry. Do something physical, cleaning, walking, swimming. Wander aimlessly through a mall.

Grieve for what you have lost. Any time one loses a job for whatever reason is raises all these feelings of self-doubt. You don't need to doubt yourself, but just your illness has let you down. I have gone all the way to not working before and come back from it, more than once.

That job is gone. But really, I don't see why they couldn't have done something for you. Maybe there are other jobs you could do that allow you to be outdoors and are not so physically demanding.

My mom told me that it isn't a closing door, its is a changing situation. That's probably the best (and most sane) advice that she has ever given me.

No matter how important that job has been to you, you are not being given a choice in continuing. So, let it go. Let it float away. Think on the things you want to fill your life with, the people you want in it, the things you want to see and do.

The page is turning, and you hesitate because you don't know what lies on the other side. But you still must turn the page. The next chapter starts and it is the best one yet, guaranteed. Because, Roxy, you are a wonderful human being full of grace and love for other people. That's golden, precious and extremely hard to come by.

Let you life change. But you take control of how it changes. It's mere days now until you and Brett will be together. You will actually have time with him now instead of putting all your energy into trying to do a job that is wrecking your health.

Do fun things. Spoil yourself. And love yourself, Roxy. You are very much worth it.

I ache for you and wish as a friend that I could give you a big hug. I wish I could sit with you and let you cry, scream, vent, laugh and start all over again.

But I can feel your strength, that inner core. It comes across loud and clear. Fall apart and then let yourself come together again.

And remember, we are here, open 24 hours a day.


   Roxy, I'm so sorry about your job. It's feels like you have been hit by a truck. Hope that Brett calls you and that he's on his way to you. Take this time to grieve for the loss of your job and to think about what is right for you. Don't hang on to something that's not helping you. If you feel that they are wrong, then call the union lawyer. If not, then look at it as a way to try something else and this may work out to be the best thing for you. You will be in my prayers and hopefully the answers that you seek will find you.

   Big hugs and a shoulder to cry on,


I am really shocked, werent you originally supposed to be off until June and they pushed you to go back early? Then they sent you home and now this.....can you collect unemployment from them?

I am really sorry this happened to you.

You can have my job if it makes you feel any better...or I bet Deanna would be willing to give you hers...

We luv ya girl, hang in there, it will get better....I promise!

Yes, Roxy, you can do my job. Only its indoors all the time. I don't think you'd like it much.

But we do love you and wish this wasn't happening to you. I agree that their whole of dealing with this has been very strange. Maybe you should talk to a lawyer. Maybe what they are doing isn't legal. It certainly isn't fair.

Roxy-I am so sorry.  I know how much you loved that job.  My heart goes out to yuo.

Grieve the loss of your job and then concentrate on the positive things in your life and move on.  I know it doesn't feel like there are any positives right now but you have one of the biggest positives anyone wiht RA can have...a caring and loving husband.   I hope you make contact iwth Brett soon.  I wish I could just reach out and give you a gentle hug.

I will keep you in my prayers.  God has a plan for you so just hang in there til it is revealed to you. 

Much love


You know, Roxy, I guess one good thing is that you loved your job because you love being outdoors...you dont have to give that up. Maybe this will open the door for something else good to come along.

This is how the city really ripped me off.  When they first hire someone it is hourly.  What I did not realize is they did not pay into sdi or Pers for three years until I became permanent so I lost three years towards being vested in retirement in PERS.  I was going to "buy back" some time, and I find out yesterday that the city is not part of the "buy back" program

I called the Union and they were appalled.  They said they had to give me notice and in writing.  The city said it is because if there is an accident in upper park I could not respond.  Well that is bull sh*t.  Every time there is an accident, emergency personnel are bumping into each other we have so much response.  They also mentioned I had 3 WC claims.  You have to remember, it is rough country in upper park and I hiked it every day.  I had two sprained ankles, lots of holes, and one more serious on a search and rescue.  After working seventeen hours straight, I tripped and fell on very sharp rock and really tweeked my shoulder and neck.  So they had the nerve to bring up the wc claims.  I said if the other rangers would get out of the trucks, they would have wc claims also.  So that is their story, the condition of not being able to go on rescues in upper park is why I can't be a ranger.  It is bs.  They are afraid I will get a serious wc because of my ra and they don't want their wc raised.  It is so transparent.  The funny thing is, I don't want to go back to work there right now but I only have 2.5 months left of short term disability.  I am worried about money and I want my 1.5 years to be vested for a PERS disability retirement.

Brett called and supported me completely and said we will work it all out when he gets back on Wed. so right now, I am just trying to deal with it.  I have never lost a job in my life.  I really appreciate all of your wonderful support and advice.  My head has got to quit spinning first.

If I am not mistaken you can get your disability and still make up to 0 a month.  Worth checking into.  Draw your ssd and do something paart time.

Roxy, it just isn't an easy situation. It really doesn't sound fair and doesn't even sound legal.

I'm glad Brett will be home soon.

Do go to this site and read some of the articles if you contemplate going on disability. I really like a lot of what this guy had to say. One of the thing he said, that I hadn't ever considered, is not think of going on disability as a permanent thing.


If you can think of it as a transition time, it might be easier to handle.

But I keep thinking that you might do well with contacting your local Vocational Rehab office. You don't have to file for disability then. They help you evaluate your situation and have been able to help some people keep jobs with the proper accommodations. They are there to get you back in an employed state. If this requires extra training or schooling, then they have to pay for that.

Social Security isn't going to help you if you can do any other kind of employment. If they think you can do a desk job, for instance, then they are going to deny you. I don't know how limited you have become because your job sounds very physically demanding.

In the back of my mind, I keep thinking that you might could do work for a museum, zoo, or a foundation that works to save the environment. You also could write books yourself about the places you have explored, what you know of the land. These are very popular. All those years of being out there, all those adventures, people will want to hear about them.

Don't give up the outside life that you love so much. And this is only one job. They are being jerks and I personally will not continue to work for jerks. I think if you look at possibilities that you might just find something that is slightly different that you would love.

The world is full of possibilities. You just have to look. Now I want you to throw that comment back in my face in a couple of days when I'm feeling down. But really, the possibilities are as limitless as your mind's ability to think them out. That's why when I am up against the wall, I start asking all my friends what could I possibly do? Some one always comes up with something I didn't think of. I do this process over and over again. Through this process, I have overcome unbelievable obstacles.

So, Roxy, what can you do? I don't think disability is the best route for you because of the type of individual you have always been and the fact that you won't have much from it. But you can use it as a bridge to get to something better though. There's no harm in filing, getting a lawyer and then letting the process continue. If you find that dream job in the meantime, you can just notify them you were able to find employment. But then you are covered either way. Also, if you do get SSDI, you will get your medical covered and with RA that is a very big deal.

Once you have the award, you can use SS Ticket to Work program to get back into working without losing your medical coverage.

Oh, I do wish all this wasn't happening to you. But there are reasons your life is changing. Try to feel those out. It's like when you listen to the winds in the trees, the animals, watching the sky. All these things tell you which way to go.

One other thing, Roxy - if you do get a lawyer, unless you are required by the Union contract, DON'T get a union lawyer. And if you do, don't assume that he/she is working for you. I've had too many friends screwed by their unions over very similar situations. Make sure you write down everything - EVERYTHING - the union lawyer tells you, and then consult with a different attorney.  Roxy just a note to say I am so sorry about the job, heng in there we are here for you. meme

Just one day at a time. It has to get better from here.

Roxy, Sometimes decisions we need to make are made by others.  You've been fighting with the decision of disability or work for a while now.  Maybe, just maybe, this is a blessing, in that you didn't have to make the decision yourself.  I know you love the outdoors, what about maybe working in a nursery?   Now a nursery would be fun.  I have an AA in botany.  I like that idea Teri.  I just have to get over lost income.  I made 43K annually and didn't save a dime.  Stupid huh?I wouldn't say stupid...  I don't have a savings either, even though I know I should, but trying to save when you own a home and are raising two teenage daughters is next to impossible, there is always something!!! 

While you are in Klamath Falls, check into the various nurseries, Home Depots, Lowe's, etc....  :)

Hey Teri, that is a good idea.

I don't think many people can save that much. I keep trying, but life keeps happening.


   You should be able to get a nice place out of state. If you sold one of the houses, that would give you a nice down payment. As far as the cut to the income, you will be surprise with what you can give up to make ends meet. The idea of working for a nursery sounds great. Still outdoors but no hard hiking. Plus if you told some stories to your customers as they looked over the plants, you could have them eating out of your hands. It would up your value to the owner of the nursery. I feel that this might be a way for you to go. Rox, I have no doubts that something very positive will come out of all of this. Stay strong and away from those fast running streams.

   MarisaRoxy, You probably should check at least once for a consult with a non union lawyer who specializes in disability. I did. The union lawyer can offer you information reguarding your job contract but their vested interest is in your contract, not disability or accommodations. My union basically told me if I chose to go the accommodation route, I'd have to do it on my own.Right now my union is trying to get me severence pay.  That is the least they can do.  It is not my fault I got sick.  The more time goes by I am looking at this as an opportunity.  I love the nursery idea.  Why didn't I think of that.  I have lots of managerial experience, maybe I could manage one.  Keep the outdoor job ideas coming.  Brett does not seem worried so I am going to try not to.  I figure, if I just make enough to cover the house payment, that is all we will need.  Brett's property is paid off in 4.5 years.  I have very little equity in my house.  Brett's property is a great investment so we really do not want to sell it.  It is our "nest egg".  Anything close to lakes and rivers, property values are going way up because of baby boomers retiring.  I really am getting more optimistic.  Can you believe it, FIVE DAYS UNTIL I SEE BRETT !!!!!!  You guys have got me through a tough three months and this board has been my savior since my dx.  I am so deep down grateful.  Thanks for putting up with me and my mood swings, foopahs, and smart ass sense of humor

It sounds like the inital blow is passing. Things happen for a reason, perhaps this is the beginning of good things to come.

You said your STD ends soon, do you have LTD that would follow when the other runs out? At least you have a little while before the STD runs out. You can take that time and plan ahead for what your financial situation may end up being when it runs out. Maybe you can find a few places that could use trimming down for the dry spell.

I know you must be devesated, but when one door closes another one opens up. I'm a true believer in that concept. Maybe this is just what needed to happen for your life to take a turn in a better & happier life.

Hang in there! 

I had a good cry last night BUT I am daydreaming about other jobs.  I have always hated the law enforcement aspect of my job.  I want to lead nature walks or teach ecology.  I can't wait to get out of town and start new.  Right now it is money that is my biggest concern.  When Brett gets here, we are going to get those disability papers in right away.  Every time I start them, I get depressed and overwhelmed.  We are also going to apply for financing right away to buy a house so maybe they will include my income.  Our income is cut more than in half and like most people, we live paycheck to paycheck.  Hang in there Roxy! What did Brett say when he found out?My love said "you worry too much".  We will work it out, it is not your fault you got sick.  I will be home soon.
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