Alice in Wonderland Thoughts | Arthritis Information


Why is it that if you walk for an hour your feet can be okay, but if you stand in one place for twenty minutes your feet and ankles will kill you?  Why is it that if you take a twenty-minute nap you feel great, but if you sleep through the night, you wake up feeling like a truck ran over you?

We take prednisone to make us feel better, then we eat too much and sleep too little. So then we feel worse then we did before. So then we stop the prednisone and bring on a bigger flare than the one we wanted to leave behind.

Its maddening. Its sad. Its RA.

What are your thoughts.


Its such a strange disease this RA, I can wake up and not be able to stand on my feet without pain, so then I go for a powerwalk and ignore the pain, and the next day I feel great. Other days I wake up in pain and stay in pain

Its a strange thing when I have my flares I actually look anemic and get acne. When I feel ok I look great.  I just hate it!!!!

Last week I slept so well, this week I have had 2 nights without sleep. Feel Like Crap!!!!I wish you were both much better than you are, but I want to thank you for sharing, it's nice to know other people go through the same things, and helps in a strange way. I think those questions are best left in the same category as "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Yes, but it's still RA. Always lurking, taking no reprieve to hurt and diminish our lives.

I don't know why it is either. Last week, I could walk pretty good for bad knees. Now, nothing works. My hip hasn't bothered me in months. And, I have been doing the sleep, no sleep on and off a lot lately. Like tonight, what am I doing here?

I hurt too much to sleep. If I take something for pain, I won't be able to fall asleep. And, tomorrow, I'll be hurting because I didn't sleep.

We are lost in the same woods.

This week has been one of my worst in months. I am wondering if there is something going on because of the weather or something.