My Feet are Killing Me!! | Arthritis Information


AGGGG. My feet are really starting to hurt again. I get up in the morning and wrap them in my huge soft ice packs that fit around each foot. It is the only relief I can find.

Any other suggestions????

cut them off...

ha! that is the only real solution I have come up with.

Where do yours hurt? the base of my toes. and my toes. They really hurt. All that I have been able to do is stay off of them as much as possible. That is the one place where there is just no ignoring the pain. I can deal with everything else, but not the feet. I feel like a cripple when they act up.

I am sorry to hear yours are troubling you too.

Hope your feet feel better soon.

My feet feel as if they are gonna split wide open when I first get up and put weight on them.  I also have bony protrusions on the back and inside of both heels-shoes are real kilers for me.

I have a problem with my feet getting so cold that they turn purple.  Two pairs of socks, wrapping up in blanket, sitting in sun...nothing warms them up til all of a sudden for no reason they start getting warm.  Can't figure that one out.

Other than staying off them or cutting them off like crunchy says, i don't know what else ot do with or about them.

hey Deena maybe you have raynauds syndrome, that purpleing of your feet...look it up online.

I know I have said it before but it bears repeating...try a pair of Crocs shoes. They are the only shoes I can wear when my feet are bothering me, and I actually get more relief from wearing them around the house than going bear foot. Please try them on, I bet you will like them. Of course you need socks and I wear mine with the strap around the back instead of like clogs...and they have to be the real Crocs, not the knock offs. I love mine, I wear them to work and anytime I have jeans or track pants on.

what are crocs and where do I find them?They are shoes made out of a sort of rubbery spongy stuff, they slide on like clogs and you can get them at sporting goods stores and department stores (like Dillards). You can look at them on the website, just google Crocs. Payless and Walmart are selling imitations, but they are not the same spongy material. They are wide and roomy and sort of conform to your foot. I have had mine for 6 months, wear them 90% of the time including at work where I am on my feet a great deal, and they are still spongy/springy when I wear them.

I was wondering, last fall, why my feet were hurting so bad.  I had other issues and called my doc.  She told me I was having a flare. Oh- a flare.  I had to sit down a lot.  I even ironed my uniforms sitting down.  Now when they hurt for standing for 8-9hrs straight I pray that they will eventually go numb.  I can't wear crocs at my job.  I'm thinking of buying nursing shoes.  The old-fashioned kind, since all the nurses I see these days are wearing crocs!

Hope you feel better Gena.

Dont buy nursing shoes! They are all horribly uncomfortable. I've just been having a look at those crocs, certainly going to invest in a pair.

As for your feet Gena I'm afraid I can't offer any further advice for the pain :-(

Crunchy, if you're willing to do the dirty deed, I"m about ready to have you whack off my left foot. It is NOT my friend. I've had a great week & a half & thought, now I'm getting somewhere. Woke up out of the blue with all of those toes swollen and my whole foot hurting. You can have it.

Would crocs fit a skinny foot? I have so much trouble because my feet are very narrow, shoes fall off or rattle around and cause blisters. But I need a big toe box for those RA toes. Around the house, I wear Acorn spa sandals. They're made of memory foam, and they have a velcro opening, so you can make them fit any foot. They're great!

Do you gals ever have pain in the heel and ankle as well? Or is the pain mostly in the toes.  Lately I barely make it home after work before the pain knocks me out.  Sorry to hear about your toes being so bad.  It suprised me the first time I had a "foot flare" on how much such a small thing like a toe could hurt. Hope your weekend is better.

I have heel pain constantly, just.  Drs. said it's plantar fascitis, but I swear it's part of the RA garbage.

Gena-Do you ever get the feeling that your skin on the bottom of your feet are on fire?  Sometimes I swear I'm walking on hot coals.  Pretty weird feeling.

I've seen these advertised on TV and they sound great. I would love to get a pair. Check them out. Don't know if they would help, but they sound fun.

My foot flare is a little different.  Although the toes hurt, the worst pain is in my foot and all over the small joints.  And my ankles too!  My feet swell and look like watermellons and I can barley put any pressure on them because the bottom of them hurt so badly.  So getting out of bed and trying to walk is unbearable.  Now even though I still have pain when I try to get out of bed in the morning along with my stiffness, it is not has bad as those flares. 

I am so sorry you are going through this. Hope you are feeling better really soon.  Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing?  Susan Lee

Getting up in the morning and putting weight on them is the worst. Icing them helps tremendously. I just bought a pair of Brooks Running Shoes and they are much better on my walks than the old New Balance. I have Crocs that I wear in the garden. I can't wear them to work because they arent fancy enough. Ido love them though!

My pain used to be in the it is all over and on the sides. The toes are just numb at this point. Poor Feet!!


Gina,  I have a lot of foot problems.  Get some of those sheep skin slippers to put on after you soak them.  Then elevate them.  I cannot have blankets on my feet it is painful.  UGHS make nice and wide, super comfy shoes and Birkenstocks.  Birkenstock has some that look dressier.  When your feet hurt, everything hurts.  I also put lambs wool in between the toes sometimes because my toes are so deformed that they cut into each other.  Poor Gina's feet.  Maybe try a podiatrist that is familiar w ra???  Dr. Scholls have been helpful too.  My feet hurt in different places so I try everything. 

my feet hurt a lot, i can only walk for about 10 min's then i feel like i'm gonna fall. my pain is around my feet & my ankles. i thought i had bad shin splints long time ago, but it's the RA, i think.

warm baths and/or foot soaks totally help me. good luck!

Fiona-I have an average width foot and I wear my crocs with different thicknesses of socks with no problems. They do have a lot of room, but they are so soft they shouldnt give you blisters. Now, where is my hatchet???

Deanna-When I went to the Arthritis Foundation Walk those reps from zcoil were there with a mini-shoe store. I tried some on and they were pretty comfortable. I dont know if they are something I could really wear though, plus they are really expensive, and (sorry to anyone that has these) I think they are kinda funny lookin!---But they are supposed to be very comfy.

My feet will hurt sometimes in the heels, and often in the arches, but it is the base of the toes that I cant handle. It litterally feels like my toes are broken when I try to put any weight on them at all, and if I medicate enough to walk anyways, I pay for it when I lay down!


Your feet sound as bad as mine!! One thing I do is freeze water bottles and then roll them under my toes and arch. It is very soothing. Then I elevate. Definitely helps the next morning.

Have you seen those small balls to massage/strengthen your toes. Check out



Something squishy and cold would feel good, but I dont know if I could tolerate the water bottles. Good idea though...and yes, my feet are the worst problem that I have. I keep saying I'll do things, and then I don't do them, because RA makes me lazy (and makes me hate walking in malls), but I will try the crocs.

There's not much of my foot that doesn't hurt. When the ankles flare, I can't walk. The spasms in the arch of my foot always wake me up at night. But it's the base of the toes that make my life bad on a daily basis. When everything else is better, those toes still hurt all the time. The only thing I've found that helps them is the cortisone injection in the toes. I know that squicks some of you out, but it really does work. It hurts like the dickens when they do it, but then there's relief for about 3 weeks. It's worth considering when it's really, really bad.

And Crunchy, warm up that hatchet, because my toes are starting to get really, really bad. Everything else seems to be sort of under control, or at least manageable, so the toes hurt worse than ever. Maybe hitting my knee on a table is a good idea.

We need a line of RA sick humor cards.
Fiona38893.2763888889Fiona, have you tried putting those heat patches on your arches and then a pair of socks before you go to bed? That may keep them from cramping up.