Psoriasis/RA - is there a link? | Arthritis Information


Hi, I'm new to the boards so hoping someone can give me advice.
My younger brother was only recently diagnosed with psoriasis (he's
25) despite having symptoms since he was a boy. It is quite a mild
case mainly on his scalp and a few spots on his face and back/
shoulder area.
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year but do not have
I'm wondering what is the link between these two illnesses because I
believe they are both genetic in nature. Is is likely that my brother
could get RA and that I might get psoriasis?
If one family member has an autoimmune disease, it is possible for another to develop one. I believe is often a different one. For instance, one family member can have diabetes and another RA or FM.In people with PA, only about 10% develope the psoriasis after the arthritic symptoms. If your brother did develop arthritis symptoms, he would probably have PA instead of RA. Treatment for all three conditions is sister was diagnosed with RA. 5 yrs later i am diagnosed with  PA. i have heard that PA is similar to ra, accept it isnt as bad as ra. i slo have a brother with pa, he is in worse shape than me and my sister, so who knows, i guess its just what you body wants to attack, skin,bones,joints ,cartilage, eyes etc.