Canker sores | Arthritis Information


I have been getting a lot of canker sores in my mouth. Big ones on the bottom of my left side in my mouth. It is too out of the way for it to be caused by me biting my inside of the mouth by accident. Does anyone know what causes them? As soon as one leaves, I get another one. I brush and floss my teeth twice a day, so it isn't because I am neglecting my teeth. Could they be a side effect from Celebrex?

Hi Dar,

I've never had sores from the celebrex.

Do you take mtx?

Hi Dar,

I take both Celebrex and MTX, and I do get big, honking canker sores from time to time - but I assume it's the MTX. Someone said eat yogurt - I've been doing that more, and having fewer sores. You might try it and see.
Prob. the MTX if you are on it!You know, I have been eating more yogurt lately and having less sores...I wonder if there is really a connection...hhmmm

Are you taking Folic acid?   It's helps tremendously with the sores !!!! 

If not ask for a script or you can go to GNC  or a vitamin shop for a over the counter version.  

Yogurt and folic acid. Increase the folic acid until the sores go away. If that still doesn't work, go in and show your doctor. You might have an infection that needs to be treated.

I got thrush, one of those simple infections that normal bodies fight off. It made my mouth turn white.

MTX commonly does cause mouth sores and that's why they put you on folic acid.

I had success with a home remedy for canker sores.  Place a wet tea bag on the area for several minutes. It took away the pain for me for several hours. The next day I did it again for pain, which worked, and then the sore began to heal.  It wasn't a big sore-- I think I ate too many tomatoes, but I was really impressed with this simple remedy.