Does anyone.... | Arthritis Information


have problems with weakness in their hands?  I don't mean weakness as in not much strength in your grip....more like not being able to actually hold up the weight of say a glass.  I've always had a problem with gripping things...but this has now come up with my right hand.  Plus I've been getting some tingling feelings going through my hands.  The weakness has been going on for about 3 days now.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this happen.


My hands are weak and have little strength.  When my flare is at it's peak I can't pick up my coffee cup with 1 hand.  I have tingling in my thumbs, index and middle fingers and sometimes numbness.  This is due to inflammation and swelling in hands and wrists. 

There are probably a lot of us on the board who have weakness and tingling in our hands.  You're not alone and it to will pass.  It may or may not come back.


 I have the same problem but i drop things, all the time. I am so glad this site is back up.    Hi everybody,

   My numbiness and tingling is from my carpal tunnel. It got so bad, that I could see me holding something but I couldn't feel it. I wore a brace while sleeping and then it be came 24/7. Finally had to have surgery as I couldn't pick up anything that was a little bit heavy.

   It's good to be back but I won't be around to much as I'm afraid that this site will crash again. I'm signed on with the Round table.
   Take care,


Have you been checked for Carpel Tunnel?   This will cause weakness also.   I have that and when you flare (the others are right) you will loose strength.  




RA can cause it. But you should have it checked out, first with your Rheumy and then with a neurologist. It can be just inflammation, but it can be the signs of something more serious. Plus, if it's RA, there's lots of things that can be done to help relief and strenghten your hands and wrists. I'd check it out.
