HUGE STEPS IN MY LIFE PATH | Arthritis Information


My daughter is coming home July 17 for good.  I am taking back her conservatorship.  I figure if I can't work, I want to try to take care of her plus I am not leaving her in Calif. when we are moving to Oregon.  For those of you that don't know me, my darling daughter is schizophrenic.  I plan on getting very involved in the mental health services in my community in Oregon.  I had a very adversarial relationship with CA mental health services.  I hated the care my daughter received.  Oregon is going to be better.  Pray for me we can keep her home.

Today applying for SSDI.  A lot of changes.  It is time.  We are also getting our son back from Brett's ex-wife.  As soon as he saw the house we are buying he begged to move back in.  TEENAGERS !  So a lot of exciting and scary things coming up.

Going to water yoga this morning.  Doesn't that sound like fun????

So happy AI is back. 

Boy, your life sure is changing. Is this considered a side benefit of RA?

You sound so much better now that Brett is home and your buying your house. It is so obvious now that your life, what was really important to you was really scattered. I'm so glad you are going home and filling your house with those you love.

Been doing my water exercises every day now that I'm off work. But these knees are just getting worse. The water feels really good on my shoulder and my neck though.

Very nice.  So nice to hear from you again, Roxy. Is the best pain medication family?  I remember when we had our first child.  I loved how my dim, little spotlight in life switched from me to my little girl.  I loved it, and still do.  I know you have your hands full, with ra and the kids.  But with ra, I believe its the best way we can use our hands.   

Roxy, It really sounds like you have a new beginning with your kids and the house and everything. I feel like this house is the start of something wonderful for your family!

Many prayers for you and your daughter. Hopefully all goes well with her and I hope you have a good relationship with mental health in Oregon.

The house and surrounding area look ideal for a teenage boy! I think the lakes and beauty of the area around there are great, especially if he has an interest in the outdoors. Two livingrooms and kitchens in the house just sound wonderful to me with a teenager and his friends around.

And let's not forget your dear husband! What a joy to be with him full time. I think just having the support of the one you love is a tremendous help with an illness like RA.

I was approved for SSDI this year, so if you have any general questions, I'll be glad to try to answer them. I'm no expert by any means, but I was denied twice, then got an attorney and was approved by the ALJ judge before it even got to the hearing. I'm in Calif. and from first filing to approval was almost exactly a year. Then there is a 5 month waiting period from the date they determine to be your "date of disability" for you be eligible for your first check.

Best of luck on the SSDI filing, house escrow, having your family together and all your many changes! My prayers are with you.



Roxy, that's wonderful news. Good luck to you with two c hildren in the family to look after. My prayers are with you. I think sometimes having others to focus on make us not focus so much on our own problems which are numerous.

Thanks so much for all the love and support.  I am excited, scared, nervous, thrilled, bursting with emotion but deep down - it all feels right.  Like God is talking to me.  I was even thinking that I may go back to school and get a degree in mental health services.  I feel such compassion for them.  Brett and I were also dreaming that maybe we can eventually buy another home and start a business fostering mentally ill.  They so need people who care and are not greedy.  What a rewarding living that would be.  So much hope ahead.  The house is closing sooner than we like - Aug. 15 BUT we will get through it.  I cannot believe my daughter comes back for good in about a week.  She will have to sleep in the living room until we move but we will get by.   All prayers are appreciated.  I sure am doing my share of praying.  I really really really want this to work.  A lot of dynamics.  How is Colton Brett's son going to handle my daughter and visa versa, will it put too much pressure on Brett, will my body stay well (ra wellish

Deanna,  You would not believe how quick they agreed to giving her back to me.  They wouldn't hardly let me visit her but if they can get rid of her for good - it was - no problem.  Just remember - you can't give her back

Nini,  It is supposed to be great fishing in the lake we are on and I just love bird watching !!!!

Justtoday and Linda,  I am very blessed by family.  I will be closer to my family.  They have already said they will watch Kelsey for the weekend when we go to Brett's family re-union in Chicago.  That is a huge favor since she takes so much supervision.  My family including my pets make my world go around

All of you have been such an integral part of my accepting my new life.  I will always feel gratitude for AI. 

I wish you well, many happy times fishing or sitting out on those beautiful decks, or just having family time with your family.


I can see you are beginning to walk a new path in your life Roxy.  I will be praying for you (all of you) that the time of settling in will be as smooth as possible and that you will all feel a sense of peace at being together and starting new lives together as a family.

Stay close,


Roxy, I always know I'm going in the right direction when all the barriers I was so afraid of suddenly crumble before me. I imagine that the fact that you are completely moving out of state helped your case with Kelsey as well.

Your dreams are wonderful. The struggles will be worth it. Such a long ways you have come in such a short time. I am so very, very happy for you.

roxy, been very ill with Secondary Sjogren' the last 6 mo.  Going on Enbrel so have questions for you.  Dr said the worst she'd ever seen. Couldn't breathe, swallow, see and lost my voice.

Saw you were moving to Oregon...wanted to let you know my Rheumy who is fantastic, is moving there, Dr Pascal Swab.   I'll find out what city she's going to as she is leaving at month end.  Talk to you soon.

Karen my friend,  I am determined to move to OR.  Closer to family, better mental health services for my daughter and cost of living much lower.  Wish we were all closer.  We need each other.  I have a major vaginal infection that may be Sjogrens.  I am so sick of all of this.  How are you?Hey Roxy, It's all coming together, isn't it? I'm amazed at where you were 2 months ago, and where you are now - and where you will be in 2 months, settled into the new house, new life. Once it all settles down, I hope you can take just a few minutes to breathe! I think you've been holding your breath for about 4 months, now.  Fiona,  LOL  You are so right.  Things are tense around the house.  I think buying the house is scaring the hell out of my hubby where I just take it in stride.  I have always found ways to get by and I know this is a good change but seeing my hubby - I know he is worried and I don't know what to say to him.  It does not help that I have been sick almost the whole time he has been back.  We are supposed to go camping this weekend and I sure hope I can do it.  It would really be good for our relationship.  My daughter comes home on Monday to stay.  One day at a time.  BREATHE