Glad the Board is UP & Running | Arthritis Information


Well, I like others was LOST without  the  RA Board.  In case of future mishaps, crashes or sudden disasters; please .... I can be contacted at:


I am open to receiving others' E-Mail addresses  here to keep in contact. It is so nice to read others input and share  our  good days with each other.


**Nothing Positive comes from anything Negative, always try to remember that**


 Still having Red Rashes, Big Bruise markings on my legs, and  weird sores popping up over my legs and thighs. The skin looks like a big, red, purple mark, for days  then  slowly fades away. Don't know whats causing them to appear NOW???


Oh well, going to RA Doctor next Tuesday, hoping to get some time off work to heal my aching body!!!


Glad to be amoungst friends and supporters agin.

Are you on Enbrel? I get horrible bruises on my legs when I give myself injections. This is in addition to the site reaction I've had for over a year which is red, raised and itchy.