Question about Enbrel and Amoxicillin | Arthritis Information


Hi to all!  Does anybody know if amoxicillin can be taken with Enbrel?

I have a sinus infection and my family doc prescribed Amoxicillin over the phone.  His nurse said it was fine, but wanted to check with those in the know here since I was unable to talk to my doc before closing time.

I haven't taken my Enbrel since last Sunday (July 1).   

Those two are fine. If your infection isn't too bad many dr.'s won't have
you skip an Enbrel shot. But...if you are also on methotrexate you
probably want to check with your rheumy. Penecillin based antibiotics
increase the toxicity of mtx. in your system. This is only over a long
period of time and many docs don't worry about it but my rheumy only
wants me to take sulphur based antibiotics.

BeckyI just started Enbrel, and they told me that I should stop taking it if I got sick or had an infection.  You might want to call the Enbrel help line too.

When in doubt ALWAYS call your RD or be sure that your PCP is aware of ALL the medications you are on !!!!  I travel from one specialist to another with the same very long list of drugs.... this way EVERYONE is aware of what I am taking and I don't have to sit and try to remember (thank God for my daughter that keeps me VERY organized with medication lists, and disease listings (by date mind you).   :o) 

Don't EVERY assume that the doctors all communicate.   It almost killed me at one point.   Assuming that is...



I don't take Enbrel; but I do take MTX & Humira. My only experience with a sinus infection and my RA medications was not a good one. My doctors alway pull me off of both when I have an infection. Once I restarted my meds before it was completely better and I soon became very sick with a horrible sinus infection and soon bronchitis. Before the month was over I was having a chest x-ray because they though I had phenmonia. Luckily I didn't and a short round of predisone and a third round of antibiotics FINALLY helped me recover. I learned one thing though; don't take these meds when you are sick with an infection. At the very least it slows your recovery....and at the worst it makes you two or three times sicker. Quite often a regular MD or PCP doesn't really understand how these meds work. Check with your RD to be certain. Luckily for me my PCP always consults with my RD when in doubt. She's the first to say she's not sure and honestly I prefer that to them telling me something they aren't sure about.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Thanks for the info everyone!  I asked both the nurse and pharmacist, but also wanted to check here mainly to see if anyone had any problems mixing the two. 

I'm not on MTX (really messed up my liver enzymes).  I decided to play it safe and skip my Enbrel dose this week.

For those thinking about Enbrel, it has been a blessing! 