I have a strange question | Arthritis Information


Before I ask, I wanted to say how glad I am to find the board back!!!  I missed you guys even though I don't post much.

Now for the question.  I live in the Adirondack Mountains, which is notorious for blackflies and very hungry mosquitoes, deerflies, horseflies, etc.  I haven't had one bite this year.  Not one, and bugs usually chew me up.  When I mentioned this to my husband as he was scratching away at his bites, he joked that I must be "toxic" from the MTX and they stay away from me.  We laughed then, but now I wonder if that's why.  Has anyone else noticed anything like this???

I have. I was in the woods for a 3-mile hike last weekend. There were swarms of mosquitoes thick enough to swat by the handful. I didn't have any bug spray. I got a total of 3 bites. It does something. I don't want to think about that too much.

Good Grief!!! I have been wondering why I'm not getting bit up by the mosquitoes every night when I take ChrissyBelle out for her last potty. This scares me. I NOW perspire terribly & always soaking wet when I go outside. This is the worst summer I've ever had. Never thought that I would ever wished for bug bites. LOL




I've noticed that too. I always thought it was because I was on a more natural foods diet. We may be on to something!

I also perspire quickly too. I'm always so hot. I thought it was just me. Hmmmmm.

You know I've never been one to get bit very often.....at least not in my adult life. Maybe as a child; I can't remember but I do remember commenting on lots of occations that mosquitoes never have really bothered me like they did others. My daughter especially attracts them like crazy!!

I've only been on MTX for about 4 years now; but I've been on other medication for RA for more than 12. Maybe it does have something to do with the medication. I've never once thought of that. Interesting.

You guys always get me thinking   Hi,
   I've been off my mtx for almost 3 wks. and the bugs are having a grand old time biting me. Before they would stay away from me and I thought that it was the mtx. Now I know that the mtx WAS keeping them away. I almost wish that I was back on the mtx as these *#@*& bites are driving me crazy.
   When I was outside the other day, this fly wouldn't leave me alone. I kept swating at him and he would just go near my ear and buss in it. He even try to fly up my nose. I finally went back inside and got out the RAID. I march outside and under my breath, I was telling myself,"okay fly, I dare you." I quess that he saw the can and decided to leave me alone. I did spray my car port as the stray cats had fleas.
For those of you that are on the mtx, may the bugs stay away from you and your loved ones.

MarisaI can't say that I have noticed fewer bugs biting me, but I DO hope that those that are biting me are having toxic reactions to the MTX!!!

Nina2three, where in the Adirondacks do you live?

Jeanne in VT

 Hi Everyone,

I've been on Mtx for about 18 years and I still get eaten alive! I was on a picnic last Friday and the black flies and horseflies had a field day with me. And I too perspire more this summer than I ever did.

ATC from Montreal 

How peculiar.  I hadn't equated it with MTX.  I used to get really angry infected bites from mossies, but when hubby and I went to Cuba and Greece, 3 and 2 years ago respectively, he, who is Italian and NEVER gets bitten, was eaten alive and I didn't suffer at all!


A tip for those of you that still suffer.  Try taking a course of B vitamins for about a month before and during a trip away.  That does something to your blood that the little pests don't like.  Doesn't work for everyone but worth a go if, like me, the bites get really nasty.



Well, I do take a B-complex. I sure never thought it could be that. Or maybe that in combination with the MTX? I used to be an all-nite diner for mosquitoes, and my husband would get bitten once or twice. Now, they actually land on me - then fly away to eat him!!


I live in Old Forge.  Moved up here for snowmobiling, hiking, canoeing, and now I can't do two out of three!  Go figure!  We loved coming up here so much that we had to live here.  I love having deer in my yard all the time.  I even like the bears, even though they tore my birdfeeder off the house, and love to get in the garbage!

Where in Vermont are you?   

I hadn't noticed the lack of insect bites but now that you mention it--it is true--I haven't been bitten since the Mtx.  Finally something useful out of this condition. 

I have noticed the sweating part--it has been so hot and humid and everytime I go out in it, I come back and my clothes are soaking wet from the heat.  I started treatment the end of last June.  Didn't notice it last summer but I have this summer. 

Not sure how the private message thingy works so will write here, but if you want to email by PM and explain how it works that is fine. 

I live outside of Burlington, VT, up in the mountains on 5 acres of land with plenty of mother nature too!

My Old Forge story...I have one, really but probably no one else wants to hear it!  I'll save it for a PM. 

I havent noticed, but I dont think I have gotten a bite this summer. I try to stay away from the mosquitos since they seem to have a love affair with my ankles and we have some disease infested critters floating around here. It would be nice to think there are some other benefits to the MTX...

Hi Lovie,

I just read the question that you posted to me (ahug) and then some how lost it (I'm new at all this)!  So I hope you come across my reply.

I started taking Mtx (orally)about 6 years after I was diagnosed with RA which was 24 years ago. I was 28 years young at the time! I tried many different medcations early on including gold therapy but nothing seemed to work for me (I still had tremendous pain). When my Doctor suggested Mtx I was a little reluctant at first but he assured me that he wouldn't hesitate to put his mother, sister, wife and daughter on it if they were in my shoes! And I was just about bed ridden so was easily persuaded to start the MTX. I think about 5 years ago I started taking it by injection and I'm currently taking 20 mg/weekly. There have been a few times throughout the years when I have been feeling really good that I've reduced my dosage however, every time I did that the pain would come back with a vengence. So I stick to my 20 mg. a week.

As for side effects, I have been very lucky! My liver has been fine, never any problems and when I was younger I did drink alcohol but very little ( a couple of drinks a week). Lately, I seem to be losing more hair than normally but my Dr. blames that on menopause! For a day or two after my injection not always but sometimes I feel a little quesy and more tired than usual but nothing more than that. I try to keep a positive outlook and try not to think about all the potential nasty side effects that go along with this drug. Hope this informatin helps and if you have any more questions feel free to ask!  ATC 

I love hearing success stories like that ahug. Thanks for posting.

MTX has been my saving grace and I've had little to no problems with it after 4 years or so. I hope to continue along this path for years to come just as you have.

Thanks for sharing!!

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