Stopped Arava- pain coming back | Arthritis Information


I stopped taking Arava about 3 weeks ago due to terrible gastric/bowel side effects.  I was doing well at first, but now I think the RA symptoms are returning.  I notice a pain in my left hip that is tender to touch.  It makes my butt cheek numb and achy -like sciatica.  It radiates down my leg.   Has anyone ever experienced this?  I'm going to try to load up on the Motrin.  This "odyssey" is turning out to be a real pain in the ass, literally!  I'm going to lay down. Bye

Hi Emma,

sorry you're in pain....has your doctor suggested something else to replace the arava?  Not sure if you've been or are able to be on MTX.  Have you told your doctor about what's going on?  Might not hurt to call and let him/her know how you're feeling. 

Hope you feel better soon.


Definitely get it checked out. You could have a hip or back problem. Don't disregard it and I agree with Kelly, you need a replacement for the Arava.

Yes, I've had "pain in the butt" syndrome too although not with pain radiating down the leg. That does usually indicate a back problem or pinched nerve. But the tender spot makes me think of my hip pain.


Hi Emma,

Last week I was in pain that started in my right knee. Then it went down my leg & up the side & front of my leg across to my butt. It was like pin & needles. I saw my RD & he drained my knee & gave me a cortisone shot. He said if that didn't help to call him & he will send me for a MRI. The next day it was so bad that I saw my Chiropractor. He said that he was sure my problem was a pinched sciatica nerve. He gave me a treatment & I saw him again yesterday. I was feeling much better. Well today, I'm going crazy with just the knee hurting. I think tomorrow I will call my Orthopedic Dr. & have him check it out. The pain is becoming unbearable. I swear I have some Bextra that I feel like taking.

I do hope you are feeling better. If not, get it checked out.


Trisha, sorry to hear that this is still so bad. I think seeing the Ortho is very appropriate at this stage. You have suffered too long with this.

You know these specialist all look at the same problem differently. It is like the six blind men looking at the elephant and none of them gets it quite right.

You're smart to keep trying.

My hips give me trouble, but my sciattica is gone since my second trip to the chiropractor. I still get the PIB syndrome though!Aren't you the author of PIB? But what a loving PIB you are. I'm proud to know such extraordinary PIB as you because you are absolutely cool.