Antibiotic protocol therapy for RA | Arthritis Information


I recently experienced a spider bite and was given antibiotics for cellulitis. Amazingly my RA and fibro was the best it has been in 10 years. I think I stumbled on to something.  Have any of you researched AP (Antibiotic protocol) therapy for RA and fibro. I didn't see anything on any other post about this. But I am so curious. I found a website while doing my research.  It is called "roadback". If anyone has researched this before I  would love to hear from you.  This site talks about how bacteria can cause rheumatoid arthritis and it can linger in the body after a virus or infection. Anyone heard of this before?

I've heard of it. And, I do feel that my RA improves with antibiotics. But most of the information out there just leaves you hanging. There is Reactive Arthritis that can be treated with antibiotics and then goes away (I think.)

Keep looking for information. Someone must have more. If you find any more, please come back here and post the links.

I believe that the antibiotics do serve a huge part in helping the RA. Like you, when on them I always feel so much better. When on mynocyclin....( the antibiotic treatment for RA).. it did help, it seemed that after about a year, or was it 6 mos.? it didn't seem to help as much though.

 I am a die hard, true believer that when I was on the antibiotic therapy, then went on Enbrel, the combination is the cocktail that put me in remission.


I have been reading the Roadback site for about five years in an effort to understand what they are treating because I was given this protocol in 1988 by a rheumatologist. At that time I had very sore joints and according to some I could have gotten a diagnosis of RA. If you click on my OA page and then "Home" on the menu, you will find a link to this doctor.

There is a faction of the Roadbackers that feel they are treating a Mycoplasma, a small parasitic bacteria that lack cell walls and can survive without oxygen; can cause pneumonia and urinary tract infection.

It has been my experience that AP works very well for arthritis as it stops the flares from doing damage. There are few side effects; it is quite safe in the long term.

The downside is that it takes months to see progress and is not a cure.

If you click on my OA page, there is a link to the Roadback site.

