New knees please | Arthritis Information


I'm done. I've had it. My knees look like conjoined watermelons. At night, I can barely walk and the swelling is so bad. Last night, I couldn't even get to the pool.

I'm ready for anything that improves this situation. I started looking up walkers on the Internet. I already dream about jazzy chairs.

I did get a call that the radiologist that did my MRI wants to compare it to my xrays (the same company did them). I looked back at all my records and all the money I've spent coping with these bad knees.

Then, I started reading about what you can do after knee surgery, like WALK and I started to get excite. I could actually go somewhere.

Of course, the entire problem might not be my knees. It could also be my neck. I still haven't heard anything on those.

Just somebody fix me. I'm broken here. I'm in a better mood, but entirely broken.

I have to go in and deliver some files to work on Monday and I'm wondering, what if I suddenly can't walk again. That's what it is like I can walk and then I can't. That's why I'm afraid that's more than just needing knee replacements. I do need them. If you could see my knees you'd agree. But the intermittent ability to walk, the terrible neck pain, headaches and upper spine pain just are too much of a combo.

I need info from my doc. Yes, I have a call in already. Waiting. I'm going to call again tomorrow and tell them I need to do something because I can't even get around inside my own place. It's kind of scary.

I don't want to do a Marisa in the shower or a Roxy in the creek. I don't live with anybody so that would not be a good thing.

Oh, with knee replacements, it says you can slow dance. How interesting, I could never slow dance before. I am so offbeat.

You mean that the knee replacements give you rhythm??   holy cow batman!!!      Deanna, my dear. I wish that you had somebody who could help you. #@%$*&^ knees!!! It's so hard when your knees aren't working the right way. I looked up knee replacement on the net. There's knee replacements that give you a good range of motion, something that I would kill for. I hope that you can have knee replacements. I don't want you to do a "Marisa" either. They're kind of scary.
   The swelling is bad to, as for me, I have a hard time getting my pants on or doing anything that requires me to balance on one leg. I hang on for dear life and hope that my aim is true when getting dress. Can't tell you how many times I've gotten both of my feet into the same pants leg.
   Deanna, will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.


Yes, Teri, it's true that I finally can get rhythm. All it took was getting RA, OA, and FM and now surgery. But hey, to get a little rhythm going, I'd say it's probably worth it. Now, if I could just get someone to slow dance with.

Marisa, have they talked about knee surgery for you? And, I've often done the two legs in one dance. You should see me when my knee braces get caught up inside my jeans and I have to get out of them. You know, velcro really sticks to everything.


My right knee looks like a grapefruit.  We are the like the fruity knee sisters.   I am going to call my doc tomorrow, he should have the results back from my MRI last we shall see...

Hate to burst your bubble,  No Rhythm.  I tried.  But I did get pedalling a stationary bike, walking, going up and down stairs, going for strolls, shopping, swimming, getting up from chairs.  Things I lost were pain, swelling, limited movement, using a scooter at the shopping centre, thinking of modifying the house for wheelchair use and my walking sticks.
