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Hi everyone, i thought i should come and introduce myself. I'm Emma and i'm 20. I live with my partner in Carlisle on the border between England and Scotland. I breed mice to show as a hobby as RA limits my ability to go out much or work. Sadly i have to live off benefits like DLA and income support. Well that's really all there is to know about me. Oh! i love going to the theatre , but don't get much little_emmo38914.6348032407

Hello Emma and welcome here. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

There's another cool place that a lot of hang out too. It is I like both places. There's a lot of fun conversations at the other site, some serious. But there's a great group of people here and I find that they answer questions a lot more freely.

Our site went down a couple of weeks ago and we all panicked, so register there too so that no matter what we can stay in touch.

You are a lot younger than most of us. Did you have JRA? There's another person at the other site, well she comes here too, with the handle of Tonks. She's just 23. You might want to look for her.

Do you have kids, hub, going to school, favorite pet? How long with RA?

Oh, my gosh, you've been quizzed. Again, welcome.
