How can I help him | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone. My name is Angie. My husband Kris is 24 yrs old and is suffering from really bad Arthritis.( so we think)  His blood tests show nothing but the bone scan shows he has it nearly in all his joints. He is in bad pain 24/7. His Dr when he was in the military diagnosed him with Arthritis. They tried all these different type of medication, even pred. Now that he is out of the army his new Dr seems not to want to help him out much, cause she says the blood results say he hasnt got it and she wants to do more tests on him, but he needs help now with the pain.

What i dont understand is if she thinks its not Arthritis then why wont she find out the cause of his pain.

I know i have all these questions, i just dont know who to ask all of these questions too. I cant bare to see him in so much pain day in and day out, and there is nothing i can do to help ease his pain.

I am new also, but will extend a great big WELCOME!  I know exactly what your husband is going through.  When my symptoms started I was in excruciating pain and was going to my GP weekly.  My blood work showed nothing but inflammation of some sort.  They were treating me for Lymes disease...for 4 months!  I finally had had enough of this idiot and referred myself to a Podiatrist(my feet felt like bloody stumps!)

Hope this will help strong for him he will need all your support!  Good luck and be hopeful! Welcome!

It seems to be part of the diagnosis to have to wait a long time before you finally get pain relief.  It is a frustarting time but as hard as it is right now, things will get better.  I kept a journal and brought it to the Dr with me, I wrote everything down even measured the amount of swelling around my wrists, knuckles, knees etc, had hubby take digital pics when they were really bad.  I was glad I had the pics as one day my right hand  was badly swollen like I had inserted a knerf ball under the skin.  Internet serching is a very valuable idea, there is so much info out there.  Coming here helps lots as others have been where you are now and have their experiences to share. 

Remember that you are not alone. 


It's very common for a GP to not understand what a complex disease arthritis is. There are about 100 different kinds; and blood work is only (I think) one of 7 different factors used to dignose it. Your husband needs to see a Rheumatoligist; someone that has studied rhumatic diseases. I bet half of the folks here were told there was nothing seriously wrong with them until they saw a Rheumatoligist. My GP knew; but recommended I see a RD to confirm the dignosis.

Is your husband going to the VA?

Hi, I had the same trouble, took me years to get referred to a rheumy, and when i did, he was annoyed i'd not been sent before!

But i still now, after diagnosis  and being on treatment, get the odd GP who will tell me seeing as my blood tests are negative he's sure i probably don't have it and am wasting peoples time, the guyas on here will tell you i've whinged about it before!

Hang in there though and don't let them fob you off, keep going back and keep records, I'm now going through the battle again with my son. Good luck and i hope it all gets sorted for you both Hey, first I want to say you are awesome in being so supportive of your hubby. It must be hard on you seeing him like that and not being able to help him immediately. But believe it or not im sure you are helping him in more ways than you know :) Well as far as blood tests showing RA, they tested me today and they said they saw nothing. It happens, so don't let them just shrug off your husbands pain! Ask to see a specialist! I wish you both the best of luck and hopefully you will keep us all posted on how you are doing ! :) *hugs* Take Care!

First of all i would like to thank each and every one of you for answering me. The Dr he is seeing happens to be a Rheumy, and from my point of view a real crap one, if she doesnt do anything for him. This Dr has been referred to him by the VA, so at this moment he cant go and see a different one. I will start keeping a journal, so whenever we are able to see another Rheumy he can take it with him and show him/her it. It has helped me alot to know that there are people out there who cares, sometimes complete strangers help one out more than direct family, and you all have helped me out alot in knowing we are not alone in this struggle, and that it is not uncommon for people with Arthritis to have a good blood results.

I will keep you informed with our attempt to get this under control.


I wish you all the best of luck in your own battles and i will pray for you! May God be with you and give you the strength you need.

Thank you again!
