Pain Meds | Arthritis Information


My rd once gave me some pain meds years ago when i first saw him - never fill script - don't remember what it was - what are some of them that are used - my appt. isn't until next month so i would like to be informed thanks!




There are many ways to treat pain.  There are many medications used to treat pain.  It all depends on the cause(s) for pain, what a person can tolerate, etc.

In my opinion, it's best to NOT get into narcotic analgesics unless it's very short-term and/or there's no other option.  I think most eveyone sees the value in not using them until there is no other choice?

Some pain is from inflammation.  In that case, a doc will likely prescribe anti-inflammatory meds.  There are meds in this class without steroids (NSAIDS) and drugs that are steroid (prenisone, for example).

There are all kinds of meds that treat pain otherwise.  Some are not narcotic.  Some are narcotic.

Long-term (chronic) pain treatment is yet another story!  Many different approaches are taken, depending on whether the pain is nerve pain, joint pain, muscle pain, headache, fibromyalgia, etc.

It would be quite a task to list all of the possible meds used for pain.  I hope this gives you some idea.  Hopefully, your doc will know which type of treatment is best for you?

You also may google search meds and/or pain treatments to see what you can find!

Take Care!


Usually a combination of a NSAID (for pain and inflammation) is used  along with something a little stronger for severe or breakthrough pain.

NSAIDS used often are Asprine, Ibuprofen, and Naproxen (over the counter) and Mobic or Celebrex (perscription only).

Tylenol is your other option without a perscription. With a perscription there is Tramadol/Ultram which is like a narcotic but not really. Then there is Darvocet, Tylenol with codiene (depending on the ammount of codiene it is Tylenol 2, 3 or 4) and then Vicodin and Oxycontin.

I am going to mention this and I dont want anyone on these meds to get bent out of shape...I am not make a generalization...just stating a fact. There is a high rate of addiction to Vicodin. Not everyone will  experience this problem, I am sure that it depends on whether you tend to have an addictive personallity...and other issues. That is just a fact is sort of an epidemic.

The oxycontin is usully reserved for the worst pain. You should start with the lesser drugs and go from there.

There are also pain patches (Fentanyl patch) and then for the most severe problems, morphine pumps.

There are other drugs, but they are mostly comparable to the ones I have listed, and the ones here are the ones being most commonly used today.

Hope this helps.

I wanted to add just a little bit of my own history with pain meds. I have taken asprine therapy for RA and it worked well...but it bothered my stomach so I went back to the Ibuprofen. I only get moderate to no relief with the ibuprofen, and I have tried Mobic and Celebrex with no improvement over the ibuprofen. I am allergic to Naproxen so I havent had that one. Vicodin also upset my stomach...I had it years ago for another problem and I wasnt able to take it very well. I currently use Tylenol 4 for my worst pain. I only take it 2-3 times per week, it is okay to take it more often (every 6 hrs) but I try to ration my pain meds out. I know some people just cant get by with out medication daily. I cant take it and work so I usually just try to get by on Tylenol and ibuprofen.

Different things work for different people. A good way to go is to ask the doc for something mid-range and ask that if you dont get results from the med would they be willing to call in something stronger if need be. Usually they are okay with that.

I have also gotten some relief from using the heat patches and muscle rubs.

Good Luck!

Hey Crunchy!

Great job withthis outline!  I could not even recall all of the names!  There are so many!  You have helped to refresh my memory.  I appreciate the short course in pain treatment updates!

Thanks Again!NOW I AM PAIN FREE..This is my doctor's advice: get help from other sources.
My friend recommended I check and try cm plex. A medical doctor in the US has been using it and it works like a magic cream. So what did I have to loose………after using it for 1 month I will never give it up. Now I tell everyone about it “Just try it, what do you have to loose”? What a difference in life when you are pain free!!.