Sulfasalazine | Arthritis Information


My RD just added Sulfasalazine to my Plaquenil and Relafen.  I started Friday night with just one pill.  Yesterday, I started having really bad stomach pain or maybe its intestinal pain.  It isn't nausea, or gas, or anything like that - I know those are side effects.  This is just PAIN.  It's located about the same area as my belly button.

Could this be from the very low dosage of Sulfasalazine?


Are you allergic to sulfa drugs? Call your doctor as you can develop allergies to drugs that you used to be able to take. 

Also, it could be entirely unrelated. Your pain medicines can do a real number on your stomach, even causing an emergency situation.

Get your fingers dialing. Maybe it's just too much to add to your stomach. They might take you off of it, or give you something for the stomach pain. If the stomach pain increases, go to the ER.
