sudden craving... | Arthritis Information


You ever get a sudden craving for something? I was sitting here answering a post when I got a craving for that pickled veggie mix with the carrots, cauliflower, and peppers; and some chedder cheese. Funny thing to crave at 2 am.

I used to think that maybe we craved things because we were lacking things in our diets....but I doubt if there are some little cells in our bodies (besides brain cells) screaming out for pizza, moon-pies, and baby back ribs.

Anyways I have been on my newest-diet-again for 2 days now which is the longest I have made it in months. I want to lose weight, but I guess it wasnt bad enough for me to be totally commited. Now I have my whole family in on it and they are helping me to stay motivated.

I also have decided that the only thing that ever really worked for my is Weight Watchers and that the only way it works is to go to the meetings every week. So Thursday while my kiddo is at cheer practice, I am going back to WW and signing up. I did it once, I can do it again, and this time I am not gaining it back.

I cant believe I went from a 16 to a 4 and <<<BAM!>>> back up to a 16 again.  I am so mad at myself about it. I think I have gone through the whole phase of figureing out why I over eat, feeling sorry for myself about having gained it back, trying to accept the idea of being overweight, and all the half hearted attempts to lose weight. Now I am mad, mad at myself, and I am hoping to channel that energy into some hard core weight loss.

The secret to WW is planning ahead and keeping track of your daily points as you go ( and ya have to write it down, not just in your head), and measuring portions instead of just guessing. In other words, it takes some precision. But it works and you dont spend a million dollars, take any dangerous pills or have to work out all day long.

So wish me well....for you guys who have known me over the last six months you know this is not my first attempt...but it is my last. I am holding myself accountable to my friends here (because we are concerned for each others health), to my family (because it will make me a happier wife and mother), to my mom ('cause she worries about my health alot) and most of all to myself....because I deserve all of those things.

I know there are alot of you who are going through the same thing I am.  Stress, days stuck at home on the couch, boredome or depression made better by a sweet treat, lack of time or too much time, medications, lack of exercise.....the list goes on...are all reasons we have for indulging when we shouldnt, or for what I call mindless eating. Eating when you arent hungry just because you can or its there.

So I hope if any of you are embarking on this journey, maybe for the first time....maybe for the 100th time, you will find success this time.

My name is Dwayne Allison, and I got your name from Darren Cole with mendmeshop.  I am disabled with ankylosing spondylitis and rheumtoid arthritis, and am in severe pain all day and night long.  I was inquiring about the portable ultrasound machine with mendmeshop.  I did not know if Medicare/Medicaid would help me get one or not.  I have very little income, and he told me that you might have one that you are not using at the moment.  I would sure like to use it, if you are not using it.  Ultrasound has been the one thing that has really helped me, and I am maxed out on physical therapy benefits.  If you could do anything to help me, I would be so greatful.  I bet you know what it is like living with constant pain day in and day out, and it is so frustrating when the pain does not go away.  I am a good person and very trustworthy, and would really appreciate your help.  Thank you so much and God Bless You,

Dwayne Allison  (my email address)

(dwayne, I PM'd you back on that)

Crunchy, I often crave pickles in the middle of the night.

I giving you my hopes for the weight loss. You certainly have a good idea of what causes you to gain and what it takes to lose. Still, it is so very hard, especially given the meds, etc.

You have my admiration and best wishes.

I have found that a big part in helping my diet is to drink lots and lots of water.  I find that I crave more if I am not hydrated.  I crave salt.  I crave any kind of salty foods and they never satisfy me. 

Since I have been good with my water, I have improved a ton, and I am on pred and losing weight.  I am still not where I want to be, but my habits are improving steadily and consistently. 

A big help for me has been to turn to buying salads at fast food places.  McDonald's has the best Asian chicken salad.  I get the grilled chicken and it is just the right meal for me. 

I notice that lowering my carb intake first thing in the morning leaves me less hungry throughout the day.  I eat eggs scrambled and two slices of bacon every morning, salad for lunch, then a reasonable dinner before or around 6 p.m.  I don't eat late, which I think is also helpful.

Good luck.  I KNOW what you are dealing with.  I have been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, and sold it back to Good Will, only to repurchase the damn thing again!

[QUOTE=arizonara]I have been there, done that, bought the T-shirt, and sold it back to Good Will, only to repurchase the damn thing again!

Best description of life that I've heardin a while.

I'm thinking about you, Crunchy. I just know that this is your time to take on that diet!!! You will be Ms. Slim & Trim.

I'm trying so hard but I guess I have to wait to be fully focused.

Good luck  


Crunchy, I am also working on weight loss. Like Arizonara, I also don't eat late and I drink lots of water to curb the cravings. I always have protein for breakfast. It has helped. I am 44 and have spent my life raising kids, being a wife, taking care of extended family members and also working outside of the home. I never gave myself permission to take time for myself. Having RA is difficult, but one thing on a positve note is that I am now taking care of myself. I take the time to exercise and a big surprise was that I love it! At PT they developed a program of exercises and stretches that I can do without hurting joints. My family is very supportive and know that I won't go anywhere without doing my workout in the morning! Anyway, I just really want to wish you the best of luck.      Crunchy, I'll give you my full support. WW is a good program. I don't follow it as I have other health issues going on. When you get your cravings for food that's not good for you, try to figure out what's causing you to crave. Food can be a great comfort but for many, it can cause us to gain weight. It took me several months to come to terms with my trigger issues that would give me the munchies. I found that instead of eating that whole box of low fat cookies with a big glass of ice cold 1% milk, that I could stop the craving by eating less. Now I have switch to fat free milk with 2 to 3 cookies out of the box. I eat salads with very little dressing. I now plan my food intake and I allow for that little extra treat.
   The biggest help has been these message boards where all of us can rant or talk about our feelings. Loosing weight isn't easy and we need support not judgement.
   So Crunchy, we can do this and support each other.
   One last note, I had 25lbs to loose and so far I've drop off 10.

   Go Crunchy, you can do it!


Thanks for the vote of confidence! My big problem is the switching back and forth from days to nights...but I have decided not to let that hold me back this time.

Well, its 5 am, time for dinner. I'm off to eat a salad!

I have been a vegetarian for about 4 years and suddenly I am craving a big old cheeseburger.  It needs to be a juicy, delicious, mouth watering cheeseburger.

I did not become a vegetarian for any philosophical reasons...purely health reasons.  So I may just indulge.  I wonder if it has anything to do with the fact that I am anemic.

I agree that WW is a great program.  They probably have the best long term success rate.


Patti3738918.6220949074Patti,  I'm sure it's because of your anemia.  When I was having my periods, even though no anemia was present, I would just pig out on BBQ Rib Eye steaks...  sometimes two a day.  Your body is craving the iron.  

How about a bowl of cream of wheat instead???   It's high in iron as well.... LOL
I am so glad I am off pred.  My cravings for licorice were so bad that I would run out at 10pm looking for licorice, couldnt be red, had to be black.  It was wierd.  Licorice of all things.  Explain that one

Heres a diet technique...think of foods that are Liver or Menudo....

I still love Bocca Burgers though!

I agree - LIVER - GROSS

Can't do Chicken Gizzards, but LOVE fried Liver & Onions. Yummyyyy    And licorice, wow I love red licorice. Oh heck, I love almost anything to eat now, thank's to Prednisone! lol


Love liver. Hate black licorice. Love red licorice.

Really crave Krispy Creme donuts and ice cream. Not so good.

I should get the Cream of Wheat to help build my iron.

Wish we could all go out together and just eat it up. Wouldn't that be a blast!

OMG, Krispy Creme Donuts. My heart flutters when I think of KCD. Ice cream, bring it on! 

That would be a blast for us to meet at an eatery & "pork up".


omg all those cravings sounded wonderful! lol

anything with high levels of sugar is my biggest craving. i know too much sugar is bad no matter what, but when i have just a little too much sugar i get flares. i've also noticed drinking lots of water helps reduce the cravings, AND FLARES! thank god for water!

(getting a glass now)



Well...I did it...I went to my first WW meeting today. UHHH, my first one this time...

If I lose 2 pounds a week then in 25 weeks I will be reeeaaaallllllly happy. That sure would be a great Christmas buy myself skinny clothes. Well, I wouldnt be skinny, but I would be on the top end of it. I am so short that I have to be 95 pounds to be skinny. That is about 65 pounds away. I want to lose 50 pounds and be at the weight I should be for my go any lower would depend on where everything ends up.



Have you ever had the Fat Free Pringles? They are good and if you are following WW you get 17 chips for 1 point.

I love finding guilt free junk food!

