nausea remedies???? | Arthritis Information


Does anyone here have remedies for nausea???? Or meds that work???? I am constantly nauseous and though I don't throw up, I feel constantly on the verge. I don't enjoy food anymore and am sick of this icky feeling. Thanks for any info! Love and gentle hugs, Juliah

Juliahh; Has the dr prescribed a pill like prilosec for your stomach.  some people have to take one in order to be able to take their meds.  Ask your dr about it.  Again I am sorry you feel so rotten.  xoxoox meme


When I was on Methotrexate I use to get that nausea feeling all the time.     My rheumy gave me a rx for folic acid--which helped tremendously. The feeling totally went away. Maybe you should ask your doc about that. Is the nausea is caused by one of your meds?
Anyways thats what worked for me. Try it out.

Hope you feel better soon.


Hi Juliahh

I am also on MTX and Folic acid. Problem is, yesterday I was feeling nauseous all day (maybe I need to increase the folic acid?) then when I went to bed I had a blackout hypo around midnight. The blackout was due to my diabetes, but I wonder if the nausea had anything to do with it?

Juliahh, when I was first diagnosed the doc gave me Prevacid for my stomach.  If the doc hasn't prescribed something already, you might want to ask him if there's something he can give you for the nausea. 



Juliah - Ginger is suposed to be good for nausea.......and strongly anti-inflammatory to boot. Unless you are pregnant it is probably OK to take it.

A friend of mine has Psoriatic (sp?) arthritis - recently diagnosed - and takes her folic acid the day before the methotrexate. she felt sick for about five weeks but says it has now stopped....

so maybe it will for you? The side effect of nausea was one of the main reasons I decided to try other things before MTX - there is nothing worse than feeling sick the whole time - poor you, I really hope you can get rid of it.



If MTX is making you nauseous you can take it in injection form. That takes care of the nausea. I had to take it this way, otherwise I kept feeling like I was going to throw-up.

Pretzels are great for an upset stomach. Good luck.

Barbah nausea I experienced that alot well, ive tried everything and what always worked for me was like those pepto tablets. I would pop one of those when it got bad and then id be fine, also eating a couple saltine crackers. hope that helps :) 

 Juliah... I just had to respond.. When I was on the oral MTX the nausea placed me in hospital.It was the worse feeling I have ever experienced. I was given everything imaginable intervenously and NOTHING helped. Finally, when I saw my own GD she prescribed DICLECTON. This is apparently a  drug that they give to pregnant women. It is a combination of vitamins and a anti-histamine. I was extremely skeptible (sp?) but it worked wonders. I was back to normal after the second dose. My sister says that her pregnant friends swear by it. Although I barley use it, I take it everywhere as a life line. I never want to go through that again. I think it was worse than passing my kidney stones (which I have done 8 times).

Good luck with it all. I know how scary and awful it can be. Please let us know how you are doing. My thoughts are with you.

Take care



A good OTC remedy is Emetrol - it is even safe for pregnant women.  Not expensive at all - it's like cough syrup.  Of course Ginger Ale and crackers or pretzels usually work too.

Good luck!  Sorry you're feeling so bad - hope you can get it under control soon!

Mandi Lou :)
