Scary PT session | Arthritis Information


   It's been hot and humid here. Yesterday I went to my PT session. I was having a bad OA flare. Ankles, knees, hands and my left shoulder were hurting. My Ultram wasn't helping either. I get there and told them how much I was hurting. We all agree that if I hurt too much, than we would stop.
   My first work out is arm bicycling. 7 mins forward and 7 mins backwards for a total of 14 mins. I could only do 5 mins each way before I started to have problems. My left hand was hurting and it started to shake. After a couple of seconds it got really bad and I couldn't hold it still. It scare me and them. They ask me if I had this before and I told them that I had but not like this. After I got home, I got another one but this time it was the whole arm. Then last night, another one and this time it was both arms and legs. This is so scary. I don't know what is going on. Thank God that I had a appointment with my GP doc. today.
   Told the doc what had happen and she was very concern. She said that it may be a reaction to one of my new meds, or to the heat, thyroid problems, or something else. She didn't seem to feel that it was my RA or OA causing it. I had to go get stat bloodwork done and I'm to call her on Monday to tell her how I'm doing and to see what the bloodwork shows.
   I'm trying to stay positive and not think the worst. Now for the one million dollar question..... Has anybody else had something like this???


Yes, I have. Of course, I have everything. It's on the menu selection. You should be tested, but when I get to doing PT, especially when I'm flared, I get tremors in mostly my legs, but it has happened in my arms. It is most likely muscle fatigue from tearing down and rebuilding your muscle tissue. Most PTs know this, your GP might not, your RD should. So, it might not be anything scary.

The first time it happened to me is when they iced my knees after PT. It also happens during yoga (so I don't do yoga). I have restless leg syndrome and that might be part of the problem.

Anyway, I laying down on the table with my knees being iced. And, I start vibrating. All the PTs in the place gather around me and start trying figure what's going here. Finally, it was decided that the ice was triggering the tremors. They did have me go back to my doctor and see a neurologist to check for like MS. But all that was negative. The cure was simply not to ice my knees. They don't like it and so they complain. Even during my MRI, my leg start tremoring at the end and know this positional for me because it happens enough.

Every time I start moving up on exercises, I will feel some tremors. So, let's hope that this your case. Definitely go through the tests, because you don't want to miss something serious. But I hope this helps you breathe a little easier.

With Deannas information, that may help you to research this more Marisa. I hope that it is the same as Deannas and not something more serious. I get occaisional hand tremors and I never really thought much about what was causing it, but it often happens when I have been very busy...maybe it is caused by the excess in activity. Interesting. My hands tremor.  I always attributed it to weakness.  When I flare, I get so weak. I've never had it happen, Marisa. I hope it's nothing too serious and just a consequence of the PT, as Deanna said. Every time we turn around, RA is causing something new and nasty. Never seems to get tired of it. Well, you can be sure that we never have a chance to get bored!!