yoga for arthritis | Arthritis Information


hi all,

i just found a great website on yoga for arthritis. it has pictures of simple stretches you can do, and it's very informative. i know i've been searching for something like this. here's the address....

enjoy. my best to you all.


Looks like a great site for getting started. However, if I tried some of those thing, providing I could even get my body close to trying them, it would be pure torture. I definitely can't do some of those things shown.

But I wish I'd done something like this starting years ago before I got so still and so much damage.

I appreciate you sharing.

I take a yoga class every Monday morning to start off my week. I definitely feel a difference when I don't take it. I just do what is comfortable and simply stretch when the class gets too advanced. I think stretching is the key to life!There are some excellent books on stretching which alot of the moves are easy for most of us to do.  I got to look for the one I have here, I can't remember the name right now and am redoing the room that the book is in so it is in some upteen box but once I find it I will post the name and author of the book.  It has a simple 4 week program that you can try, it starts out with one part of your body and adds on each week.  There is some other stretches for other parts of your body for certain things we do to help keep the muscles working.  Well I went back and found the book.  It is called: STRETCHING by Suzanne Martin lots of pictures and explanations on how to do the excercises.  I hope this helps someone.  Take care everyone.  meme

Also, I tried it at the fitness center. So here's everyone in their positions and I'm vibrating like a washing machine that's off it spin cycle. That was a bit too much humilation for me. Plus, that music made me want to kill somebody. Not relaxing at all.

I could handle doing baby exercises with all those big weight lifters, but shaking like that was just too hard.

Deanna don't worry about it, do what you can do, try simple stretching,this will help keep the muscles going and you won't lose what mobility you have of them.  Yoga unfrotunately is not everyone's cup of tea, so to speak.  Sometimes you have to research to  find what is comfortable for you to do.  meme

But I find I can't do it every day. Seems I have to do it every other day. I get so worn out from it. And I do feel like such a baby. But when I've been in PT, they've said that's okay. I just have to keep the habit up. That's one of the things that I have set my mind to do while I'm off work. It's also one reason I don't want to go back to work because there just isn't enough time and energy to do it and work. Work drains me so completely.


Hi To All!

Msjoey311, great info!  Thanks!

Another very gentle yoga DVD is "Yoga For the Young at Heart," by Susan Winter Ward.   (this runs 50 minutes.)

The DVD jacket reads:  "This gentle exercise program can be enjoyed by some people who suffer from high stress, arthritis, stiff joints and muscles, chronic back or neck pain, high blood pressure, insomnia and headaches."  (This is for very gentle beginner level, ages 45-82!)

M2K is registered trademark of "Multimedia, Inc."  Web:

I am guessing this DVD can be found for a reasonable price, as it is an "older" one.

I really do not like to "push" a specific product.  Just trying to help anyone to locate it if interested.

I love this DVD!   (I am quite limited , this helps.)

i think a lot of people categorize yoga as difficult, twisty poses. there are so many different types of yoga. the ones on that site i listed are very basic stretches. and you're only suppossed to do what your personal body can do, however far it will go. you're not suppossed to force any stretch. it's good because it gets your body moving, which i know is so hard to do, yet necessary. kinda like life, hard but necessary!


You avatar is making my long can you spin?The arthritis foundation web site gives a list of places where you can take their approved yoga classes as well as swimming and fitness classes.Deanna what you are doing is very good, but yes there are days where you feel you just can't do it, the body is hurting etc, then rest that day or two, then continue  on.  And yes yoga is a very good exercise, but it is not for everyone, as long as you are doing exercises that are comfrotable for you and they are helping to keep what mobility you have, or helping you to  improve it even more, then that is what is important.  If you don't know where to start contact the ymca or the ywca, they have programs for people with athritis, and if you are interested in the yoga, alot of cities have a yoga center in their town where you can find out about classes for people with athritis, check with the schools alot of schools have programs for people for yoga, water exercises, walking programs, etc for after school and some even when school is going on.  meme

When I get new knees, I'm going to start walking again because I really miss that. I might get a stationary or regular bike, too.

When my knees heal up, I plan to walk the entire length of one of the malls. I don't like shopping malls, but it is so insurmountable now that I think it would be a good goal.

oh, i wish the best for you all.

deanna, i'm so sorry to hear that even the simplest stretches hurt. maybe you need more and/or better drugs? i also read somewhere that drinking a warm glass of water with a fresh lime in it daily helps us. hmm, who knows. i started doing that today. it was kinda gross, but what the heck.

sorry about my spinning avatar! i'm thinking of changing it. it's just kinda fun cuz i sure can't do that!


Msjoey, don't stop spinning. I was just teasing.

They said I am at the maximum on my meds and from all I've read, that does seem to be the case. They can give me more pain meds, shoot up more cortisone (in the neck-ick!) but then we are going in to the narcotics and I don't want to live like that. Vicodine is bad enough. I am looking for alternative ways to deal with pain so I really appreciate it when someone posts something really useful.

Curious, how is the lime supposed to help?

I think it is great that so many of you find yoga working for you. I'm a bit jealous.

Deanna,  I totally GET what you said about going back to work.  Just doing the simple things in life has become a chore and then trying to exercise and eat right to take care of my body, I am all worn out.  I cannot imagine going back to work now.  I miss it but if it hurts to do it and makes me unable to have quality time with my family, it won't be fun anymore.

I am starting to look forward to this because I haven't been able to hardly walk for four years. There are so many things I just can't do because of it.

If they can't do surgery for some reason, I think I'll go insane. I'm ready, so ready.

Hang in there Deanna I will keep my fingers crossed for you  Mom is going to have the left knee done in about 8 months, dr feels it should be done because she  over used that knee to compensate for her bad right knee.  She says it is like having your life back.  meme