Where is Roxy?? | Arthritis Information


I think that the subject line says it all...Where is Roxy???  Hope everything is okay. 

She's got her daughter home now ya know; so I imagine things are pretty busy for her. She'll be around.

I don't know. But I know that she and Brett were planning on taking Kelsey up to see the new place as soon as they got some essentials out of the way. Plus, they were hoping to take her camping as well.

She's probably incognito and having fun. At least that's what I'm hoping.

But I miss her too.

Hi sweet friends,  I have not gone anywhere.  It is sooooooooo hot - 109 - 112.  I had all these plans but cancelled.  We need to settle in before we try to do anything.  Kelsey is getting in a routine.  She loves to cook.  She has been cooking us dinner everyday.  Last night it was pizza, night before egg sandwiches and tonight chicken and rice.  She absolutely loves cooking, I think Brett is getting jealous because he loves cooking and I am content to NEVER COOK AGAIN LOL. 

I am supposed to go look at the house b4 Thurs. but it exhausts me just thinking about the drive.  It is hard buying a house long distance.  If it were local, I would have been over that house 10 times by now.

I am off of Enbrel so I am trying to be careful.  I have been packing.  I actually enjoy it.  It makes me feel less at home in this house I have loved for nine years.  Also, Kelsey brought back 15 bags of clothes I have sent her over the years and I have been having to go through those.  She has gained a lot of weight.  Her meds make her eat constantly.  She ate a whole cheesecake by herself in one day.  OMG.

So just adjusting and trying not to stress.  A lot of big happenings.  Brett has always been resistant to change.  I need the change.  I feel like I have been wallowing in RA for almost two years now.  I want to move on.  I am excited about the prospect of teaching college and getting involved in the mental health system.  I am also excited that I will be only 4 hours from my family.  But the move - it is going to be so much work.  I have three armoires.  Very sentimental and old but they are huge.  I always worry when they get moved.

The seller is  being a turd.  He won't give one inch.  He is angry that I am having so many inspections done and I AM PAYING FOR THEM grrrrrrrrrr.  I want to be sure the house is sound as it was built in 1922 and it is on a steep hill.  The seller is driving me crazy, he keeps complaining about paying half the closing costs when we are paying full price for the house

So I am sure this is all tmi.  Life is not too exciting but so far - no regrets.  My Kelsey is so loving, she is sleeping good now and she is SO HAPPY.  That is what matters.

I have been reading posts - just not much news on my end..

Thanks for missing me.  HUGZ

Glad to hear you're doing well.

Yes, we love hearing your good news too. I understand how difficult someone else can be in finalizng the deal on a house. Some people just don't think they're getting a good deal unless they are sure they are screwing you over.

But Aug 15th is not very far away. It's wonderful that Kelsey loves to cook. My Adam does, but Julie is resistant.

It sounds like a wonderful world of change. I am so excited for you.

Wonderful, wonderful news Roxy!!  So happy to hear that things are going well. So Kelsey loves cheesecake...Me too!  I bet that she did not get much of that at the "institution". Not much home cooked food is served there, that's for sure. 
Keep The Faith!

Luv, Now&Then
   Roxy, I don't blame you for not going camping or doing anything else. These temps of 100+ with this humidity are terrible. I'm glad that Kelsey enjoys cooking and soon she will be making you a 4 course dinner! Enjoy it.
   It's to bad that the homeowner is giving you a hard time but with the age of the house, I would be doing alot of inspections too. Just tell him to chill and go with the flow. I know that's easier said than done.

   Take care,


The fact that the homeowner is resistant to all of the inspections should make you that much more thorough in your inspection process. He could be hiding something...but he could just be a grumpy pain in the butt!

I am glad to hear that you and your family are settling into a normal routine...we always anticipate the best times to be the most exciting ones, but often the best times are the mundane, average, hanging around the house with the family days. Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun!
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