Put your hands up ??????????? | Arthritis Information


If I was at the bank when it was being robbed and the robbers said put your hands up - I would get shot.  How many of you cannot raise your arms straight over your head?  This is getting worse and worse for me.  I cannot reach for anything over my head.  I am avoiding banks

But then I can only hold them there for a minute or so. I don't think the said bank robber would be content with that.

Last time my doctor asked me to do that, I kind of went through contortions to try it and I guess he got the general idea.

Guess it's a good thing I do my banking online. I thought I was motivated by convenience. And, here all along I was just trying to save my life.

Glad you warned us. No telling how many dead RA people we would have out there. Whew!

Oh, you girls. Thanks for the laugh.

Marisa This is so true! I used to be in that situation... couldn't move
my arms/shoulders at all. Now I can move them but still do online
banking... lucky!
Maybe we need a robber alert tag so that they know we can't put up our arms. Geez Roxy I never thought of that.  No more banks for this chick!  LOL Fortunately for me no problem. My RA says I have mild RA.   I am SO thankful....little pain as long as I'm on my meds

If I couldn't use my toes, I would be in trouble. I have to constantly tip toe to reach anything. My kids keep pressuring me to buy one of those grabbers. I think I probably should get one before surgery.


yeah, no banks for you! i used to have trouble raising my arms straight up. my elbows are getting real bad. but right now i'm almost pain free 

roxy, are you serious that it's getting worse for you???



Now the arms are not a problem for me, but if they tell everyone to get down on the floor....it will take me a while. And if the tell us to get back up....uh I will really be in trouble. I dont go to the bank very often, but when I do it is an event. They always have fresh complimentary starbucks coffee (which I cant pass up) and cookies (which my kids love). We always have to stop for a treat when we go.


I might last all of 2 minutes...   I never thought of such a thing.   Great reactions from all and quite a laugh too.... That was a horrible problem for me during that first year Roxy. A shot of cortisone in the should really helped alot. Have you tried that yet?

OMG  Crunchy.  Get down on the floor

Joey,  Seriously it has gotten much worse.  I am wondering if it is RA or more a muscle thing.  I cannot even reach on top of the fridge and I am 5'8".  I can get them over my head when I am laying down but not sitting or standing.  They are so weak and hurt.  I just can't get it up [QUOTE=roxy]

I just can't get it up


Roxy, this sounds so serious. Have you told Brett? How will you break it to him. Poor man is never getting anything ever again.

Those PTs are amazing. They can get parts working again that have forgotten what their job is.

Deanna,  They think my lack of muscle strength is some other diagnosis but they don't know what it is.  My sed rate and those tests came back fine - it is frustrating.  It is like I am losing strength little by little, especially upper body.  I hate it.  I pack a box and even medium light ones, I can't lift them

It may be just that all the illness is hitting you. There are times when I can do a lot of things. Other times, I can barely move. Stress will definitely bring it on.

I'm worried about you.


Also, you have three other healthy people to do this. Just give them lists of what you need help with. You are going to have to back off the packing. I bet Kelsey would love to be empowered to do more for you. She seems so receptive to doing things for you guys. And when your son comes, treat him like the young, capable man he is.

It's important to give them things to do. Because all of this can make them feel so helpless. You are doing them a favor my letting them help you. I know, I know, I don't like to give up the control. I want things done a certain way. But when I moved, I had to rely heavily on my son and his friends. Things were not perfect, but they were done. That is the important thing.

You still have to take care of yourself. Overdoing is not going to make it better. Everyone needs your mind and your vision in accomplishing this. Focus on that. Hand out assignments. Give praise for work, even imperfect work. They will feel so good about themselves and they will be happy that you are not hurting yourself.

I think I did a lot of harm to myself in this last move even though I tried to be very careful. Look at how much started to fall apart all at once. I put too much on my delicate systems. Now, I got major problems. Please do not do that to yourself.

You can pay people to come in and pack everything and move it for you. It might just be worth it. But I think you have a crew just wanting to do it. Seems everyone wants to be part of a real family. That's a lot of motivation. There's nothing wrong in being the catalyst for that motivation.

Take it easier. Break the jobs down into what has to be done today and what can be done tomorrow. It will all get done, believe me.


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