Update on my condidtion | Arthritis Information


The tremors that I'm having are happening when I'm resting and my arm will jump and move. I can feel them before they start and feel it move down my arm. It's as if my brain is having it's own spasm. I know that there's a family history of stroke. God, I hope that's not what it is.
I didn't take one of my new meds today, to see if that's the cause. All of this started after I started taking this water pill. The only good thing is that I have feet and ankles instead of a mass of swollen tissue for feet/ankles and I can get my feet into a pair of shoes.

Thanks for all of your support,


Have they sent you to a neurologist for evaluation yet? If you even suspect that it's a stroke, you should go to the ER. But you know that.

Other things that could be going on are muscle fatigue, carpal tunnel, and MS or even a nerve being pinched from somewhere else. As you can see it can be from a wide variety of problems.

But it worries me that you feel that it is coming from your brain. I think maybe you should go to the ER and insist that they check you for a possible stroke and also see if they will do a CT scan on brain.

Under these circumstances, your blood pressure definitely needs to be checked.

Please go to the ER. I take a diuretic and haven't had that reaction. But water retention does make your heart work harder. Go get checked, please.

Marisa, this is not something to mess around with. Even if there's nothing serious wrong, you need to know that for sure, and not be guessing. Deanna's right. Go get it checked out. Now. And let us know how you are.

Marisa, Are you taking potassium with your diuretic? I take Lasix and its very important that I take potassium every day. In fact, I have to take two, because I have hypokalemia (low potassium). I know that it can cause muscle cramping, and my arms/hands jump when I'm resting, too, sometimes. I suspect it is when my potassium is low.

My arm has jumped so hard at times I think I'm going to punch myself in the face. Sounds really funny, actually it is

But you should definitely talk to your Dr. ASAP. By the way, what is the new medicine that you didnt take today? Was it the water pill or something to go along with it or something else? I don't think the water pill by itself would do that, but if you're not on potassium, too, ask your Dr. about that.

Best of luck . Please let us know how you are doing.



Yeah, potassium is really important. It can affect your heart as well and the doctors sometimes forget to tell you that.I was thinking the same thing. Are you on potassium and how much?Definately report to your doctor ASAP.....it might be nothing; but the somethings you kind of suspect are serious!! Better to know for sure.Keep us updated marisa.   Sorry that I haven't been keeping up with all of you.
On Sat. I had a really bad tremor session. My arm was jumping off the bed and the legs were joining in too. What a way to wake up. This went on for a couple of mins and then it quiet down. So on Sunday, I didn't take my water pill and quess what, no tremors.
   The water pill was a baby dose but nobody knew that the weather was going to be soooo hot and humid. I sweat so much in this kind of weather. All day Sat., I kept craving ice cold fruit juice as water wasn't doing it. I went out to dinner that night and before I placed my order, I had down 2 large glasses of ice water and was looking for more. I then order a ex-large glass of cherry limeade. It helped some but was still craving fruit juice. Sunday, I got my fruit juice at the store and opened the container as soon as I got in the car. I drank almost 1/4 of it. My thrist was finally quench. It was a mixed berry juice and it's full of potassium. I was craving potassium. Told the doc about this on Monday and she feels that the water pill and all of that sweating had caused my potassium level to drop. So now I take the water pill and drink my mixed berry juice. Will see if that works.
My other news is that, today, I went to the ortho doc and he looked at my x-rays and all he said was, "whenever you're ready for a knee replacement, we will do it." I answer,"How about now?" So next month, I'm having a right total knee. I can't wait as this pain, stiffness, and locking up of the knee, I can't take anymore. I'm so tired of not being able to walk, stand for anytime, bend my knee, etc. So who would like to join me with their total knee stories.
   I feel as if this heavy weight has been lifted off of my shoulders as I want to get back to feeling some what like my old self.


That's great news on the knee surgery front.  I don't know about you, but I feel the most hopeless when treatment options seem to have stalled. We all need to feel like everything that can be done, is being done.

All the best to you,

Marisa~Any chance your diabetic? I'm sure you've had all those type of test by now with all this increased thirst right?

Glad to hear they are speeding up the knee replacement. It will be rough at first....but oh what a difference it will make. Good deal!!

A couple of things are coming to mind for me.  I, too, wondered if you have been tested for diabetes. The excessive thirst made me think of that as well.

The other thing, and your low K+ level could account for it I suppose, is that maybe you are experiencing restless leg syndrome.  It is called restless leg, but it can affect the arms as well.  It sounds from your post that it happens at rest which would be typical (though it can occur any time during the day). 

Just some thoughts.  Keep us posted.


Did your doc check your potassium level? I think that should be done...if you have any more of the tremors it definately needs to be addressed as well as some of the other suggestions. A BMP (basic metabolic panel) will cover your glucose and potassium levels. The RLS could be a possibliliy too. If your sypmtoms continue you should insist on some lab work.

Good luck with the knees. I am going to find out what is going on with my knees tomorrow.

Also, did your doc prescribe a potassium supplement? My Rheumy didn't, but my Cardiologist caught it. Now, I let my Cardiologist handle both meds as he also increased both. I was really having heart problems until he did that.

But I didn't get tremors from it.

   Feeling better today. It's not as hot! My GP doc did the blood work and it was fine. So I'm not diabetic. We had to rule out potassium supplement as the B/P med carries a warning about taking extra potassium. It will raise your potassium level and the water pill lowers the potassium level. So far I haven't had any more problems with jumping arm.
   The people at work and the workman's comp. docs don't know that I'm having my knee done. I'm still out on workman's comp but see the workman's doc on Friday. I have a funny feeling that they will tell me that the shoulder is better and that I can go back to work. If that happens, then I'll take it in andgive it to them with the unable to work slip from my ortho doc. I never seem to do things that are easy.

   MarisaHey Marisa,

That's good news. I'm glad to hear that you're going to go ahead and get that knee done. I hope it does a world of good for you. Also glad the heat is breaking. I hope that makes life easier for you - no more tremors.


I don't understand the blood pressure/potassium problem. I take 320 mg Diovan for my high blood pressure, plus Lasix (diuretic) and Potassium. These are prescribed together by my Cardiologist. They have collectively made a big difference in how I feel.

All of this together doesn't sound good. Before they do knee surgery, they are going to probably want an echocardiogram done and so you will probably be seeing a Cardiologist any way.

I think with all of this going on, you need to mention it to the Ortho doc about both the tremors and these medicines. I don't think that they have the right mix of medicines.

My mother went through several medicines in relation to her heart, diuretics, blood pressure, etc. before they found a combination that worked. I think you really need to pursue this further. My mom had to really push the cardiologist in understanding that she wasn't feeling good. Then, he switched things around and she did much better.

You have to solve this BEFORE surgery. Your GP might not have the same knowledge that a specialist does.

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